Thursday, January 21, 2016

I Heart Grocery Outlet

I got a few things at Grocery Outlet yesterday, so I have a little bit of a haul for my usual Thursday is the new Wednesday MidWeek Munchies post. If you are into superfood type of things, I suggest you get thee to Grocery Outlet. Their deals are so huge, even if you had to drive for a bit, it would be totally worth it. What I also love is it's always something different. Yesterday, at the Ballard location I shop at, They had Justin's dark chocolate peanut butter cups for $.79 cents! Of course they were sold out, they probably sold out the day they got them! I'm sure lots of people hoarded that day, I know I would have!
Yes, that is Suja juice for $2.49 a bottle! The only one they had left had honey, so I didn't get it, but they had two vegan flavors.
Yes, that is Justin's Almond butter for under five dollars! I didn't buy any because I don't care for almond butter. I know, some people might want to take my vegan card away(NEVER) but I prefer peanut butter. But I know for people who love almond butter this is THE DEAL.
That's the end of the pictures I took in the store because it was a bit busier than usual, and I am self conscience about taking too many pictures in public. But it looks like the store is stepping up it's organic produce game too. They had a whole wall full of all kinds of organic greens and lettuces, and I got a five pound bag of organic Yukon gold potatoes for $3.99!
My little mini haul. Have you ever had golden berries? I don't really buy into the superfood thing, but hey, these were a great deal. They are like a golden raisin's less sweet sibling. Maybe an acquired taste? They aren't bad, they're just interesting.
I put some of those Yukon gold potatoes to good use and made potato wedges for dinner. I've been flirting with a lower oil diet recently. I don't eat a ton of oil to begin with, but I'm working on losing my beer weight, so I'm just watching things here and there. I don't love no oil oven fries, but I wanted to use less than I normally would, so I took a teaspoon or less of coconut oil, and I rubbed it it my hand to melt it, and then I massaged my potato wedges. I was able to use less, but still get some on every wedge. I'm sure this is why people buy the oil spray, but this is just as easy, plus you get to rub the excess into your hands for some baby soft skin! This is where parchment paper comes in handy. I tried this method once with foil. and the potatoes got stuck, and foil ripped, it was a mess.

These were perfectly done! There have been a few times I've mentioned something about eating potatoes for dinner, and people seem to think you can't get full or satisfied on potatoes. I find the opposite to be true. I find them to be very filling, and I never feel deprived.
I found this sauce at the little QFC by my apartment. I want to live in a bottle of it. I rarely pay attention to bottled BBQ sauces because honey, and anchovies. But This glass bottle and label caught my eye, and it was vegan! Man, this stuff is so deeply smoky and tangy and honestly I've never tasted anything like it. It is the perfect sauce for potato wedges! Here  are the ingredients. Pretty clean! I can't say enough good things about this sauce. I might have to try to recreate it some day!
Lastly, I will leave you with this picture of Joan(named after Joan Rivers) lounging in front of the baseboard heat in my bedroom. I live in mild Seattle, so my heat is never above sixty degrees, but she loves it. She lays there all morning like she's luxuriating in front of a fireplace!


  1. Never thought about BBQ sauce having anchovies in them! I usually get the Wegman's brand BBQ sauces because they are cheap, and so far I haven't seen any with fishes in them. Good thing to keep my eyes peeled for. I love seeing all the great deals people get at Grocery Outlet! Maybe one day one will open near me.

    1. A lot of BBQ sauces have worcestershire sauce which sometimes can be vegan, but most aren't. I used to buy the Wegman's brand too, because it tastes really good and like you said is a decent price.
      I hope you get a Grocery Outlet. I love going there and thrifting for food!

  2. Oh, man, so many things to comment on! I'm in your corner when it comes to almond butter. I'm trying to learn to love it (as a huge jar of it sits in my pantry unopened while I go through jars of peanut butter and Trader Joe's sunflower seed butter), those fruit tropicals remind me that I have a box of fig & walnut Turkish Delight (burp, excuse me!), Justin's cups for 79 cents is madness worthy of invoking chaos (not really but you get what I mean) and after reading the ingredients in that barbecue sauce, I gotta have it!!!!

    1. I;m so glad i'm not alone on the almond butter. To me it's just I don't even know how to describe the taste, but peanut butter is definitely the winner. I also love sunflower seed butter.
      That's why I like the fruit tropicals, they remind me of Turkish delights!
      The sauce is so delicious.I'm going to peek at QFC and see if they have other flavors, and if they are also vegan.

  3. Oooh, what great prices! I've never seen Suja that cheap! Too bad you couldn't capitalize on that! I don't mind baking with almond butter but when it comes to sandwiches and whatnot I prefer peanut butter as well. Although I am enjoying the packets of Justin's Vanilla Almond Butter.

    I've been going low oil as well and I actually feel much butter. It's not that hard to substitute it. I just made oil free banana bread and it's amazing :)

    I love that pic of sweet Joan!! I wish I could luxuriate in front of the heater too!

  4. You had to have been insane to ever move away from that store.

    1. I know! I feel like someone evil took control of my mind when I made my move. It's so nice to be back!

  5. Aaahhh, i'm so jealous you have a grocery outlet!! Just those field roast slices are like $6 around here.. :/
    I've only been a few times but found some great stuff. Potatoes are great- i love them in a curry with chickpeas, as home fries, baked with chili on top, mashed.... You name it :))

    1. I know every time I see the field roast slices at Grocery Outlet I have to get some because they are too expensive anywhere else. I love potatoes too. I've never had them prepared in a way I haven't liked.

  6. Maple Mustard!? WOW! I have to find that!


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