Sunday, September 30, 2018

My Cosy Kitchen

I can't believe today is the last day of Vegan Mofo!! It's been so fun, and I have loved reading all the blogs! And it felt great to participate and feel part of something. Today's prompt is Kitchen Tour- show us where the magic happens! I was going to skip today's prompt because I was a little sick yesterday so my kitchen is messier than usual. But I decided to take a few pictures anyway because life is life and things aren't always gleaming and perfect.
I should have done this yesterday when it was light out!!
Sorry for the horrid lighting. As you can see I have a small kitchen, but also a lot of counter space which I love, and something that is of utmost importance to me, a window above the kitchen sink. I do not like kitchens with no windows. I like to gaze out of the window and daydream as I do dishes.
This is my out of control clean dish area. Fun fact about me, I hate putting dishes and laundry away. I will wash dishes until my hands are permanently wrinkled, but I will find every excuse not to put them away. So I just let them dry here, and begrudgingly put a few away when I need space for more.
What I love the most about my kitchen is the pantry. I've never had a pantry or extra space in any other kitchen that I've had. This probably seems super unorganized to most people, but I know where everything is. I know it would look so much prettier if I used Mason jars for my bulk items, but I just reuse glass jars from pickles, coconut oil, etc. I have a lot of glass jars!
And this is the cupboard above my refrigerator. It's way too high for me to use, but it's Kiki's favorite spot to hide from the evil vacuum and also snoopervise when I'm in the kitchen.
Mofo has been amazing and I already can't wait for next year!


  1. I hope you're feeling better today, and I'm so glad you participated in this year's Vegan MoFo; your posts were great! I agree that a window above the kitchen sink is essential! Kiki looks adorable up in the cupboard, and I love that word "snoopervise," haha!

    1. I o feel better, thank you! OMG I just saw your kitchen tour and I'm in love!!!

  2. I hope that you are feeling better! You did an awesome job with MoFo, you know I love your budget posts so to have a month of that theme has been so great! I love your kitchen, that counter space is amazing! I'm with you, I hate putting dishes and laundry away too. Kiki is too cute!!

    1. Thank you, I do feel better now!
      I'm so glad I'm not the only one who hates putting stuff away! If I were rich I would hire someone just for that!

  3. Awww, feel better soon.
    I love your darling little kitchen and idolize your window above the sink. That's so perfect. And what a funny place to hide from the vacuum! :D

    1. Ha, thank you! She sometimes even sleeps in there! I call it her cat cave!

  4. I'm glad I found you through this year's Vegan Mofo. I had a lot of fun reading your budget ideas, they were my favorite. You are very good at finding ways to stretch a dollar. Your blog quickly became one of my #veganmofo18 favorites because you wrote something new just about every day. Great job! ~ Ana Sofia

    1. Wow, thank you so much, that means a lot to me!!
      One thing I definitely know well is how to stretch a dollar!!!
      Thank you so much for your comment, it really made my day!

  5. Hurrah for another wonderful MoFo!
    I love the word snoopervise, that is exactly what she is doing! And I am glad that you can maximise your kitchen space for cats as well. ;)

  6. I love the window above the sink. I never thought about it before because I never had that. So use to staring at a wall lol


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