Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Team Cauliflower!

Sprouts is having a pretty big buy one get one free sale this week and this Health Ade kombucha is one of the bogo items. They were pretty picked over when I got there and they only had pomegranate and cayenne flavors. It's funny because pomegranates are my least favorite fruit and cayenne is my least favorite spice! I chose the cayenne because I guess I dislike pomegranate more. This is actually pretty dang good. I would actually buy this again.It isn't super spicy, but it definitely has some warmth.
I was at Trader Joe's awhile ago and they were handing out soup at the sample station. It was curried cauliflower soup, and they said they just cooked the riced cauliflower with onion, garlic an curry powder, then blended it with coconut milk. So this is what I did. I did write down the exact recipe, but it turned out a little thinner than I wanted so once I perfect it I'll share the exact recipe. Because it's sooooooo good! I had some leftover rice so I threw that in which helped bulk it up. This also took no time to make thanks to riced cauliflower.
I've been a cauliflower hater my whole life. Now I've learned I like cauliflower gnocchi, cauliflower pizza crust, cauliflower Alfredo, cauliflower wings, and now this cauliflower soup. I guess I just need my cauliflower a little dressed up!


  1. Oooh how awesome! That's a great sale and I'm glad that you ended up enjoying the cayenne flavor! The soup looks awesome, I need to check out the Trader Joe's sample section more. I feel like they have great recipe ideas there.

    1. I agree about the recipes. An they're always pretty simple. I never actually try a sample because germs but I like to see what they've made. They actually sample a lot of vegan food!

  2. Hahaha, i tried that same cayanne kombucha once and it was SO spicy for me!! I ended up mixing it with my not spicy booch to finish it off over a few days.
    What a great easy soup! When my soup is too thin i blend in some canned white beans, which i do for a lot of soups. Have you had the cuban style black beans from trader joe’s? I make those into an easy fast soup with some coconut milk, veg broth and whatever veg are around. The beans already have a great flavor so the soup is well seasoned

    1. I was totally going to add white beans and I forgot! I'm going to do that next time I make it.
      I have had the Cuban beans. That soup sounds amazing. Do you blend it or leave it chunky?

    2. I usually leave it chunky since i add the veggies and beans and everything at the same time, but you could totally blend the beans and coconut milk veg broth mix before adding whatever else

  3. Replies
    1. I never would have guessed I would agree with that!!


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