Saturday, February 16, 2019

Books and Food!

Remember back before Christmas when I was interested in the Eating to Live way of life? I've since decided that I don't want to live that strict of a lifestyle. I struggled with two eating disorders for fifteen years of my life, and I'm not interested in being super restrictive again. I already find being gluten free to be so frustrating.
I forgot that before the holidays I had reserved a copy of the Eat to Live cookbook at the library. A copy is finally available so I decided to check it out anyway. Because while I'm not going that hardcore, I have been trying to make improvements in my diet and I always like to learn more!
I can never, ever leave the library with only one book!! The only reason I don't have a huge stack of books is because I walk and take the bus. If I had a car it would be a whole different story. When I was a kid and would go to the library I would always get a HUGE stack of books, and my mom would only let me get all the books if I swore I was actually going to read them all in the two or three weeks allowed and I always did. Books were my friends!
I found these perfect oranges in the clearance bin in the produce section. I love that more groceries are doing this. It's a great way to save money, and reduce waste. If they didn't bag these and sell them at a discounted price they would end up in the garbage!! These are going to make some excellent juice!
I also treated myself to this ginger lemon kombucha. Ginger is my favorite flavor of Gt's booch, but I have to say this ginger is so much better! It's nice and spicy!!
Last night I made a quick tofu and rice bowl with a spicy peanut sauce. But I also added the one ingredient that can make peanut sauce even better, hoisin sauce!! This was super simple and really, really tasty!
Because I really, really like to torture myself, I'm getting some groceries today. Sprouts is having some great sales so I'll definitely be going there, and maybe Trader Joe's if I'm feeling super brave. So I'll be back tomorrow with another haul!


  1. Hooray for the library! I need to head over and get some books too, it's a really great way to take some time for yourself. The clearance oranges look amazing and I wish I liked the ginger heat more. That dinner bowl looks incredible!! I need that in my life!

    1. I love the library so much!
      If you don't like heat you definitely wouldn't like that flavor!!

  2. Oooh, yum, I'll definitely have to try adding hoisin sauce to peanut sauce sometime! Good luck getting groceries; hope you find some fun stuff!

    1. It's so good! It makes it darker an a little sweet!
      Thanks, I did find some fun stuff!!

  3. I’m glad you know yourself well enough to know a strict eating plan isn’t going to be a positive experience. Just adapt what works for you and make you feel awesome!
    I was (am) such a reading dork- always have been... :)) I was tight with the school librarian! Hahaha.
    Nice find with the oranges, I’m really loving citrus this winter- although gotta say not into the pomelo i was so excited to get from TJs the other day, it was just as bitter as grapefruit and had a super thick membrane on the segments so i had to peel that off every section! Too high maintenance for me.
    Hope your shopping today went as well as it can on a weekend ;)

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one!! I just get the warm and fuzzies as soon as I walk into a library!
      I tried a pomelo once and I totally agree with you. I haven't had one since!
      It was stressful but I made it!

  4. Peanut and hoisin are such a perfect match.
    That's great that you are able to know yourself and pick the triggers to find what works best for you eating wise. It is easy to slip from following a plan into a problem if you have a history of ED or disordered eating. I am having a few struggles with this myself at the moment.

    Good luck with Sprouts!

    1. They are a match that rivals peanut butter and chocolate!!
      I'm sorry you're struggling. It really is so easy to slip, I've been catching myself getting a little too obsessive lately myself. It's just one of those things that always sticks with you I guess.
