Tuesday, February 5, 2019

More Tasty Vegan Food!

Yesterday I toasted two slices of BFree gluten free bread and slathered it with my homemade harissa hummus and topped that with cucumber and sliced mini peppers. Super easy and tasty. And it was a nice way to get a few veggies in.
I was going to have a sushi bowl for dinner, but it was another grey, blustery depressing day so I was craving a creamy warming curry. I used green lentils and tofu since I'm out of red lentils and potatoes. (!!) I also added peanut butter to make it extra rich.
I had this So Delicious chocolate yogurt for dessert. I really liked it. It has a nice silky texture and a great chocolate taste. It's almost like pudding!
I wanted to give a Bubba or Little Dude update. Bubba is the stray cat I've been inviting to come inside. For a few days he would come in and kind of creep around, but then choose to leave. Lately he hasn't even been coming inside. It's like he's now scared to come in. So I just keep trying. In the next few days the temps are dropping again so hopefully I can get him to come in. Wish us luck!!


  1. OMG that breakfast looks gorgeous! The curry is a great choice for a cold day and chocolate yogurt is a perfect dessert. I kind of want to put it into a popsicle mold and freeze it for a yummy ice cream like treat!

    I hope little Bubba decides to come back in when it gets cold! Poor thing. Good luck!

    1. That's such a great idea to freeze the yogurt!!
      I'm going to try aagin this morning with him. It's so cold and snowy out, I hope he comes in!

  2. I don't think I ever mentioned this, but reading your blog is what turned me on to buying the mini peppers. I'd actually never tried them before, but they always look so crispy and colorful in your pics, that I just had to give them a go. Now I always have a bag in my fridge.

    1. Aren't they so tasty? For some reason I was scared to try them for a really long time. But they're so tasty, and I like not having to cut into a whole big pepper!!
      I'm glad I could spread the love!!

  3. Ooooh, that tofu and lentils looks so good right now!!!

  4. The toast and veggies looks so good! I love a savory veggie breakfast like that.
    Nut butter in the curry sounds like a great idea, i’ll have to try that myself. And totally perfect for a chilly icky day.
    That yogurt sounds delicious, especially since it’s coconut based. I’ve been making myself hot chocolate for a dessert lately using some of TJs chocolate chips melted into and whisked with almond milk for my chocolate fix :))

    1. I love savory breakfasts! Sometimes in the summer I like to have fruit for breakfast, but other than that I'm a savory gal all the way!
      I really need to try that hot chocolate idea. That sounds nice. I used to love to have hot chocolate right before bed!

    2. The semi sweet choco chips at TJs are vegan and like $2 for a bag (!) you just have to be diligent and vigorously whisk as it heats up, takes maybe two minutes- just simmer don’t let it boil! Really hits to sweet chocolate craving for me :))

  5. I hope kitty comes back and in from the cold!

  6. Poor Bubba; I hope he gets up the courage to come back inside!


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