Friday, February 22, 2019

Asian Market Haul!

Yam noodles,fried tofu,spicy baked tofu,Thai basil,enoki and king oyster mushrooms,rice noodles,green onion, Tom Yum paste,mushroom powder,seaweed snacks,rice cakes,soft tofu,pickled radish,gochujang paste
I finally made it back to the Asian market yesterday. I've been out of mushroom powder and gochujang paste for quite some time so I made myself go. The market I love, it's just the bus that I have to take to get there. But it was totally worth it! I got all that stuff for thirty bucks which is a steal!
I'm excited to try the King oyster mushrooms. I'm going to shred them like jackfruit. I saw a recipe on Bosh TV for a pulled mushroom sandwich using shredded king oysters. I rarely use jackfruit because I don't find it very filling, so I'm hoping these mushrooms will give me all the texture with none of the hunger!
I made a gochujang stew for dinner. It had soft tofu and a few pieces of fried tofu, enoki mushrooms and rice cakes. It had been way too long since I've had this stew and it hit the spot! Perfect comfort food on a blustery winter night!


  1. OMG YES!!! That haul is amazing and the stew looks like perfection! When I'm feeling better I have to make that because I need it in my life ASAP! Asian markets have the best mushroom selection, I need to pick up a variety of them and make a fun mushroom dish.

    1. The stew is so good! I had really been missing it!
      Man, the prouce selection is almost overwhelming! A lot of things I don't even know what they are!
      I hope you have a great weekend and feel better soon!

  2. Yay! I live down the street from an Asian market, and it's sooooo convenient. The produce is so much cheaper, and they have the best ramen selection and amazing fried tofu!

    1. I wish I could walk to this market, I'd be there everyday!! It's bananas how much cheaper everything is!!

  3. Asian markets are the best places! I love them for tofu, mushrooms, noodles, mock meats, so much! I am excited to hear about your experiments with the king oyster mushrooms.

    1. They had a soy chicken that I wanted to try but I forgot. So many mock meats are made with gluten so it's exciting to see ones that are gluten free!
      I shredded the mushrooms like jackfruit and cooked them in hoisin. Delicious!

  4. Seriously asian markets are the best!! So many great versions of tofu and fun condiments among everything else at awesome prices! I love those king oyster mushrooms so much- usually i slice them the long way and sauté with a little soy sauce, then dribble a tiny sesame oil afterwards. They’re such a great dense chewy texture. That’s like a lifetime supply of mushroom seasoning!! Your stew sounds so perfect for a chilly night, i love that soft tofu in a tube for soups

    1. I saw a recipe for teriyaki king oyster mushrooms where they sliced them the long way. I definitely want to try something like that next. I really, really love the texture!!
      Ha, the last bag of mushroom seasoning I had that size only laste a me a few months! I put it in EVERYTHING!!

  5. Asian markets can be so great. Stew of any sort is nice in the winter, isn't it?


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