Sunday, February 1, 2015

Read All About It!!

Somehow I missed the news that there is a new vegan magazine on the market! It's called Vegan health and fitness. I notice it on the shelf right next to vegetarian times. I seriously had to do a double take. We are growing, and growing! And I think people are becoming more and more interested in this lifestyle.
I am on a shoestring food budget this week, so a five dollar magazine just wasn't a possibility this week, but I will look for this magazine in the future for sure. I leafed through it, and as the name indicates, it is very much health and fitness related. Lots of body builder/ swimsuit model types, and more bikini shots than a sports illustrated magazine! It is clearly for men and women, which I really like. I like seeing all of the body builder types in this magazine, just looking ripped and strong and eating an all vegan diet! I recently read the sad news that the actor Samuel L. Jackson had turned his back on his vegan diet, due to needing to bulk up for some movie. He said he just got too lean as a vegan, and could not put on the pounds. I wish he would have called me, I could have coached him. Ha. Many people still think that to be a vegan, you have to have sallow skin, and be very thin, and generally weak, or sickly. So it's nice to see this glossy magazine full of strong, in shape healthy glowing people thriving on such simple foods. The recipes I saw were for mostly smoothies, and some powerful salads. By powerful I mean no iceberg lettuce, weak ass tomatoes here. The recipes I looked at were chock full of beans, grains, and veg, both raw and cooked. It made me realize I need to get more creative with my salads!
I couldn't be happier to see this newish magazine. It's been months since I've seen VegNews magazine on the shelf, so it's nice to see that vegetarian times isn't the only meatless magazine.
Robert Cheeke is listed as a contributor, and it doesn't seem like he struggles with muscle mass at all!! And I didn't realize this, but he's been vegan for over twenty years! That means he built those muscles on a vegan diet!
" Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food." -Hippocrates

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