Sunday, October 26, 2014

Beans and Rice Like You Never Imagined

Wow, wow, WOW! Has anyone tried Beanfields chips before? They are tortilla like chips made out of black and white beans, and rice! I had never tried them myself, until I saw a review of various flavors on one of my fave YouTube channels, Habitat for Herbivores. So their taste test really made me want to taste test, and all things aligned when two weeks ago I noyiced that not only did the Co-op have these chips, but they were on sale! I was torn between BBQ, and ranch (it was like Sophie's choice) but I finally decided on ranch. Well, yesterday I finally opened the bag to give them a try, and wow is all I really can say. I think these might be my new favorite chip. The chips are hearty, they could really handle dips well, even thick hearty dips without breaking. And the ranch flavor was perfect in my opinion. It was strong, but not overpowering, and it tasted natural, not too test tubey. And they aren't super greasy, or powdery. I don't like to feel like I need to hose off after having a snack. I can't wait to try the BBQ, and also the salt and pepper sounds tasty.
Beanfields chips are gluten free, corn free, and non gmo. As with all good and good for you snacks, these are pricier than standard chips. When I got mine they were on sale for 2 for 4, but they are over four dollars when not on sale. I will for sure buy these again, especially when on sale, but even when they aren't, on those weeks when my budget allows for a splurge, these will be it. This is another chip that I guarantee no one would ever guess was vegan. I just cannot believe how far vegan food has come! It's really exciting, and I think it's helping vegan and vegetarians to not be made fun of as much. Because these foods are just delicious foods, vegan or not!

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