Friday, January 29, 2021

A Different Kind of Wheaties!

 Last week when I went to Sprouts, I found some Quorn vegan chicken products on clearance for $1.39 a package!! I've never even had any of the vegan quorn products because they contain gluten. They started making more vegan products once I went gluten free. Quorn was one of my favorite fake meats when I was vegetarian. 

The first thing I wanted to try was some kind of butter chicken. I've always used tofu for the chicken, so it was fun to have something a bit closer. I didn't have all the ingredients for butter chicken, so I made vegan butter chickenless masala. Recipe here. This was super easy, and really, really tasty! I did add some red lentils which is why mine looks a little chunkier than the recipe.

Reunited and it feels so good!! These are my favorite veggie burger ever! But you haven't seen them in over three years because they contain wheat! These burgers are made with mostly potato with some other veggies like peppers and peas, and they are not spicy but spiced wonderfully!!

I've also been enjoying dumplings again! I love making fake wonton soup, and last night I cooked them in a pan with a little oil and had them a bit crispier. Delicious both ways!!

Under my kitchen sink I have a ton of Trader Joe's paper bags from the beginning of Covid, when you couldn't bring in your own bags. Bubba discovered them awhile ago while hiding from the vacuum, and now it's his favorite napping spot!


  1. Cats find the funniest snoozing spots!
    I am so glad to see you enjoying your favourite non-GF products again! You seem to be getting joy from your food, and that is good!

  2. So much joy, I agree with Susan! I love those Masala burgers but I rarely ate them because it felt silly to put potatoes on a bun like that (although maybe not), and now of course Trader Joe's is not on my grocery delivery rotation.

  3. The TJ's masala burgers are MY FAVE. And that butter 'chicken' looks sooooo good. I always forget about Quorn, but they make some good stuff! I'm so glad you can eat wheat again!

  4. Everything looks amazing! And yay for getting to enjoy those burgers again! Cute Bubba!


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