Wednesday, October 14, 2020

But Protein


My big problem with smoothies is that they don't keep me full for very long. If I have a smoothie, I think of it more as a snack than a meal. I sometimes buy the individul packs of vegan protein powder at Sprouts, and while I don't love the protein-y and stevia flavor, I do like that it keeps me full for quite some time. 

I found this protein powder on sale at Smith's, and when I did the math it comes out much cheaper than buying the individual packs. If you can believe it, I was more tempted by the lack of stevia than the sale price! This uses monk fruit sweetener. I'm no protein powder expert, but of the few I've tried this is the best by far! It has a really nice vanilla flavor, and the monk fruit sweetener is less offensive to my taste buds. Ten out of ten, highly recommend!

Speaking of protein-y things, I've had this edamame pasta in my cupboard for awhile, and last night I finally decided to use it.

I made some spicy peanut noodles with carrot, garlic, scallion and baked tofu. The pasta is okay. The edamame flavor is really strong, and I didn't love the texture. The noodles are also much shorter than regular Fettuccine so it wasn't quite the same experience. Honestly, if these noodles were on a huge sale I would buy again, but for now I'll just stick to Banza chickpea pasta.

I think Joan can give Tyra Banks a run for her money when it comes to the smize, don't you?


  1. A glorious smize!
    Stevia is just so nasty, isn't it. I am using up some pudding mix in my cupboard that I only just realised had stevia in it and that after taste is just... not good. BLERGH.

  2. Look at those adorable sweet cuddlers! Too cute! <3


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