Monday, December 16, 2019


Lately when I'm searching around for new recipes, I find myself searching non vegan sites and YouTube channels. I find that when non vegans post accidentally or purposely vegan recipes, they are more my speed. There's rarely a mention of any superfoods, mushroom teas, or any fancy, expensive artisinal ingredients. And rarely a mention of an instantpot or air fryer.
I came across a recipe for something called a samosadilla and knew I had to make it. You just make the spiced potato, pea mixture for a samosa, and put it in a tortilla and brown it up a bit. Brilliant!!
I used Mission gluten free tortillas, which if you're gluten free Mission makes the best gluten free tortillas I've tried. They're far from perfect, but they're way more flexible than other gluten free wraps, and a little cheaper.
Here is the recipe I used. The mint cilantro chutney was more like a green juice because I didn't have any plain, unsweetened yogurt so I just blended the ingredients with a splash of olive oil and a little water. Either way it was still delicious with the samosadilas. Ten out of ten recommend this recipe! And he's right, the filling makes a great potato salad!
Here is my second batch of homemade booch! This time I'm experimenting with grape juice for flavoring. You don't see many grape flavored kombuchas out there, and I'm a sucker for anything grape. Grape Hubba Bubba forever!


  1. This just reminded me that I have a recipe of samosadillas in one of my Robin Robertson books that I have been meaning to make... I think it uses potato gems... I really need to make it. Yours sound really good as well! Making samosa pastry is a pain, for me anyway, so anything that gives me that tasty filling with minimum fuss is ideal.

    You also reminded me that I have several samples of mushroom tea bags that I bought because they amused me and I still need to try.

    1. I remember I tried to make samosas shortly after going vegan, and it was a pain! This is much easier!
      Ha ha, I've tried some of the mushroom tea, and I don't get the fuss!

  2. I love this idea. I really like samosas so might have to try this.

    1. I looked up a few recipes for gluten free samosa dough, and it seems like even more of a pain, and gluten free flour is so expensive so this was just much, much easier. And it gives the same sensation!


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