Wednesday, December 18, 2019

No More Lasagna for Me!!!

I've been seeing lots of beautiful pictures of holiday lasagna all over the webz, and I caught a craving! The problem is that I have tried making lasagna several times since going  gluten free, and I have never, ever liked the results with gluten free lasagna noodles. And it's always so frustrating to spend all that time and money to have bleh results.
I decided to try to make an eggplant lasagna this time. Eggplant is cheaper than gluten free lasagna noodles anyway! I wanted to keep it simple, so I just made a "cheese" lasagna. I made a cashew ricotta which turned out AMAZING, I wanted to eat it all with a spoon!
I used this recipe. This was my first time making cashew ricotta, I usually use tofu. I like them both, but the cashew ricotta is definitely more decadent!
Ugliest picture in the west! I layered slices of eggplant with sauce, cashew ricotta and a little daiya. I am not very good when it comes to cooking eggplant. I love eggplant dishes in restaurants, but when I make it, it's usually not so good. I precooked the eggplant slices, and then the lasagna cooked for forty five minutes and yet there were still bits of the eggplant that were a little under cooked. I think I'm just not meant to eat lasagna ever again!!
This made up for the meh eggplant! Seriously, if you see this chocolate anywhere you owe it to yourself to give it a try!!


  1. Oh no! I have made a wonderful eggplant lasagne from The Abundance Diet Cookbook, and I think those eggplant slices were roasted first. So you knew for sure they were definitely going to be cooked.

  2. The cashew ricotta sounds perfect, but that's too bad the eggplant slices didn't work for your lasagna. Hooray for chocolate, though!


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