Sunday, February 7, 2021

Sprouts and Smiths Vegan Haul!

 I picked up a few things from Sprouts and Smiths yesterday. Sprouts is the peace to Trader Joe's chaos, so it's a nice change of pace. And I have yet to see an employee or customer wearing their mask around their chin!! It's the small things in life!

Regular and Meyer lemon, celery, onion, garlic, ginger, boca crumbles, and chicken patties, Vegan Rob's cauliflower crisps, potaoes, vegan gravy, carrots, grapefruit, tofu, live booch oatly, soda,kale, green onion, coffee creamer, pear, booch

Since I had to run into Smiths for toilet paper and kitty supplies, I always have to peruse for any WooHoo deals, and I found one! I want to try to make my own naan bread, and all the recipes I've come across call for plain yogurt. I found this pretty big tub of kite hill unsweetened yogurt for $1.55! And the yogurt is good until March so I have time! And who can say no to vegan cookie dough?


  1. I love finding something on a good sale but that still has some time before expiry so I can plan out when to use it.

  2. I thought of you when I found 38 cent guacamole at our Cash Saver store on Friday! Definitely a WooHoo deal! Great score on that Kite Hill yogurt! I just noticed our Kroger carries Kite Hill cream cheese now, and it's much cheaper than at Sprouts, so I'm gonna have to start buying it there!

  3. Looks like a good haul and some nice treats!


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