Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Nuggs and Booch!


Last week I tried the spicy Nuggs, and I loved them so much I had to try the regular. A few people on Instagram said they had heard bad things about the regular flavor, so I was a bit nervous, but how could the spicy be so delicious, and the regular be horrible? It seemed unlikely.

Well, I'm happy to report that the regular are really tasty as well! These Nuggs are definitely like fast food nuggets. Some vegan "chicken" tenders or nuggets I've tried just have kind of a healthy undertone. These are crispy and greasy, not too greasy, just like they came out of a fryer. And all the breading stays on the nuggets which I really appreciate. 

I prefer the spicy Nuggs just because I'm a spicy gal, but I highly recommend these for anyone who doesn't love spice, or even if you do. Ten out of ten I will buy both flavors again!!

I found this at the same store where I found the Nuggs. This is a brand new to me flavor, and it was on sale so I had to try it! Ten out of ten! GT's is not my favorite brand of booch, but they have a few flavors I do like, and this is now on that list. It tastes like summer! It doesn't have that sharp bite that some GT's flavors have. Ten out of ten!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for the Nuggs review! I think I know what you mean about vegan nuggets being too "healthy." Of course, we need fat, too, though, so I'm all for finding good sources of vegan fat.


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