Friday, February 26, 2021

Small Things

 I have a tiny Smith's haul. Just a few things to hold me over until tomorrow, when I plan on making a trip to the Asian market. I'm out of noodles, and now that I'm having wheat again, the Asian market is a playground for noodle lovers!!

Viatl wheat gluten, tofu, orange pepper, celery, pineapple, cucumber, onion, avocado, chocolate bar, baba ganoush,pita bread, green onion, silk creamer, vegan queso, crusty bread


I'm most excited about the wheat gluten! When I first went vegan, and long before going gluten free I used to LOVE to play around with different seitan recipes. I never had  brilliant result, but I never had a total fail either, so I'm excited to try again! I love the Viet Vegan YouTube channel, and she made seitan using regular flour!! It seems like something I'm not yet ready to try, but here's the video if you're interested. Regular flour is much cheaper than vital wheat gluten so maybe I'll try it someday!

As I was walking from the bus with my groceries I noticed these little babies poking through!! The first signs of spring always make me so happy. Sometimes you just have to appreciate the smallest little things!!!


  1. I'm jealous that you've never had a seitan fail. While baking it wrapped in tin foil logs has given me okay results, my simmering on the stovetop seitan turns out glutinous and gummy without exception. Basically inedible (and yeah, that's a lot of money down the drain).

    Avant Garde Vegan has also suggested using regular flour as a substitute for vital wheat gluten and, at some point, I fully intend to try that because I also really don't like the weird "tinny" taste that wheat gluten gives to the final product. I guess if you knead it enough, even regular flour attains that tough consistency necessary to make a credible meat texture. If I beat you to the punch, I'll let you know my results.

    1. I remember when I boiled seitan, I always wrapped it in foil first. And it does turn out rather gummy, but a quick saute usually helped.
      You will probably do it befor me, so definitely let me know! When I watched Lisa do it, it seemed really intense!
      I don't really notice the tinny flavor you mention.

  2. I made disastrous seitan a few times, but I never stop trying. I'll be interested to see what you do with it.

    1. I think it's a fun kitchen project! I'll never give up trying either!

  3. I always sigh about making seitan, until I make it and remember how easy it can be to make! And my dad loves it. I have never made it from scratch with wheat flour, because that seems like a lot of effort that makes me tired. I am so glad that gluten flour is so available so I can stip that step and go straight to the making.

    1. I definitely remember it got easier the more I made it. I so agree with you, making it from regular flour seems tiring. Even though gluten flour is more expensive, it's still cheaper than plant meats so I see it as a value in that way.


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