Thursday, February 25, 2021

Bars and Dumplings and Soup Oh My!


I spotted these on sale last week at Smiths, and couldn't resist. I've loved every vegan item from their simple truth line except their vegan cream cheese. I hated the cream cheese with a passion! But their vegan queso is the best vegan queso I've had, including homemade and it's like three fifty a container which is dollars less than any other brand I've seen. 

But back to these bars. I wanted to love them. Raspberries are my favorite berry, and adding chocolate seems like a dream.  Unfortunately I didn't love them. The ice cream is very, very brittle, not creamy at all, and it has a tartness that almost reminds me of frozen yogurt which I've never loved. Also, the chocolate shell breaks and falls off so much it stressed me out. I will eat the other two bars, but I doubt I'd ever buy these again. I would give these a four out of ten. Just below average. 

I found these at Smith's too. Potsticker soup has become one of my favorite easy dinners. I crave it! It's nice for those times I don't want to cook, and am tempted to just throw some frozen fries in the oven. 

These dumplings are really, really good. they're plump and generous with the filling. Ten out of ten. I'm happy to have a good dumpling option when a trip to the Asian market just isn't in the cards. 

Last night I made a spicy gochujang broth and added some baked tofu, rice and dumplings. Easy, delicious and ready in fifteen minutes. 

I'm going to try and get back to more regular posting. Part of managing my depression is keeping up some healthy habits that I know make me feel better. Blogging is one of those habits. Usually one good habit leads to another, so hopefully this will help me get my kitchen groove back!


  1. YES! Hooray for dumplings! Too bad about the ice cream. I know just what you mean--blogging keeps me eating better food, too. Hang in there.

  2. Oh, that's a shame about the ice cream. I was excited about it! At least, vicariously excited.
    I am glad the dumplings were good.


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