Friday, February 19, 2021

Small and Sweet Vegan Sprouts Haul

 I went to Sprouts and Smith's early this morning and figured, what the heck, why not show my little haul. Sprouts was having a pretty decent BOGO sale, and I had a five dollar off coupon, so even though I got a few fun items I was under budget! Woot!

Daiya cheese, peanut butter, vegan gravy packet, nooch, apples, vegan gummy bears, clover sprouts, onion, oranges, carrots, califia farms creamer, garlic, ginger, vegan protein powder, live booch soda, garden salad mix

Look what I found at Smiths! These were on sale for $3.50 a box, and since most frozen chocolate covered bars have vanilla or chocolate ice cream, and because raspberries are my favorite berry, I had to get them! Simple Truth is really taking care of us vegans!

I've been seeing these on social media, and I finally found them. My Sprouts finally has them and I can never say no to vegan gummies! Especially because a lot of times accidentally vegan gummies are sour, and sometimes I want a regular gummy!


  1. YESSS! I love those Sprouts gummies. They're the most similar in texture to nonvegan ones, I think!

  2. Your shopping hauls--you are my shopping-and-stick-to-the budget role model. And you get some great stuff, as well. Thanks for inspiring me to be a better, more conscientious shopper.

  3. You're living as well as any of us could in these bizarre times! I hope the gummies are all you dream of.

  4. A lot of very fun things there! I would love to find a chocolate covered berry ice block here. Berry flavours are so good.


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