Sunday, February 28, 2021

Oodles of Noodles!

 Well, I made it to the Asian market. I wish I could go more often, but it's just such a pain in the arse to get there. I went for two things specifically, tofu and of course noodles!! It's funny, when I fist started having wheat again, I thought I'd be going for all the different plant meats that have popped on to the scene while I was gluten free, but really I mostly want all the bread and noodles. Plant meats are very expensive so that kind of turns me off to be honest. Anyway, on with the haul!!

Enoki mushrooms, oranges, carrots, noodles!!, tofu, broken Jasmine rice, dumplings, scallion pancakes, fruit flavored mochi, banana mochi, sweet chili sauce, ginger, Vietnamese sour soup starter

These looked like fun little dumplings! From what I learned from Google, I believe these are Chinese boiled dumplings. I think they'll be a great for my dumpling soup addiction!

I still have an unopened bottle of Halo vegan fish sauce so I didn't get this, but it sounds interesting huh? I don't know why, but I'm scared to try the fish sauce. I've heard the flavor described as funky, which I know is meant in a good way, but I just don't know if I want the funk. 

Last night I made black bean noodles with tofu and some avocado and cucumber on the side. I used Pancit noodles for this dish. They're bouncy and chewy and I love them!!


  1. In many cases you can sub soy sauce for fish sauce. I have debated buying some vegan fish sauce myself and in most cases I've just done without.

    I'm also really into noodles! I can't resist all the noodles at the Asian market, either.


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