Monday, November 23, 2015

Sunny Day, Sweepin' the Clouds Away..

Friday, Saturday, and Sunday were all gorgeous sunny days here in Seattle. I missed the sun so much. I lived in Seattle before, so I knew what I was dealing with when I moved here, but still I needed the sun to shine for awhile!
I took a very long walk yesterday, to clear my head and just absorb some vitamin D! Winter is coming, and I won't see a whole lot of the sun. I stopped at the library to pick up a book that was being held for me, and as usual I had to check out the cookbook section, and I got my hands on a copy of  The Sexy Vegan's Happy Hour At Home. I'm not super familiar with his work, but I did see him on a podcast at some point, and I think he had just written this book. I figured maybe it would be helpful to someone if I test a few of the recipes, since it's getting to be party time and everything. It always helps to know if a cookbook is worth buying. At first glance I'm a little disappointed to see that there aren't many pictures, and the pictures that do exist are in black and white. I love to eat with my eyes, and look through a cookbook for that one picture that makes my mouth water, and make that dish first. While leafing through the book, my curiosity was piqued by a white BBQ sauce recipe! I love BBQ sauce, and I have never heard of white BBQ sauce! It is made with vegan mayo, horseradish(!) and some seasonings. In this book he serves it with okra fries, so when I make it i think I will serve it with potato fries. One of the chapters is called "GodYammit, These Sliders Are Heavenly"! Ha ha. It's all appetizer foods, so I think it could help with the upcoming festivities! I plan on making a list today, and making a few recipes to report on!
When I got home, I made a pot of  lentil soup with potatoes, cabbage, and of course lentils. So perfect for the end of the day!
I hope everyone has a very happy Monday!


  1. My sister goes to Alabama often for work and every time she goes she picks up white BBQ sauce. I haven't tried it because you know, the vegan thing. XD But my family loves it. I think checking out a cookbook is a great idea! Especially if you are cooking FOR a vegan.

    1. I can't wait to try it! I have all of the ingredients for the sauce, but nothing to dip into, or slather! I'm excited to try some appetizers from this book for sure!

    2. Super glad your joining the other blog! Woot woot!

  2. This looks perfect!
    BTW...Jennifer (above) would like to join us in our new adventure and private group! YAY!


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