Thursday, December 3, 2020

A Day of Attempted Cheer

 I'm not really a holiday person. I wouldn't say I'm a Grinch, I'm just indifferent for the most part. I'm not sure if it's 2020 in general, or some other reason I'm feeling sentimental and all that stuff. So, I got a tiny little two dollar tinsel tree and some festive lights for my apartment. I guess I'm hoping to bring a bit of cheer to myself.

Roxy was kind enough to snoopervise the whole event because you know, humans need all the help we can get! This little table is under the living room window and I was hoping to find a cat safe plant for it, but everyone decided they liked to sleep on the table, so no one is happy about this. But maybe if they get used to it I can get that plant!

I've also been getting into the spirit with this creamer. I found some peppermint mocha coffee, so I mix a little of that with hazelnut decaf and then add this creamer. Delicious!

I found these a month or two ago at Whole Foods. I was very excited about milk chocolate chips, and they were expensive so it was a real splurge for me. Sadly, they aren't anything like milk chocolate. it's just semi sweet dark chocolate, maybe a tad creamier.

I made some oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. Pretty nice in a cookie, but again they could just be any semi sweet chocolate chip in there. 

 After decorating and making cookies, I definitely wanted a quick dinner, so sesame noodles saved the day! Better than takeout!


  1. I looked for peppermint mocha creamer at Sprouts this week, and they were all sold out. :-( I did find a bottle of Califia Farms holiday chocolate truffle creamer though, so I may add some mint extract on my own! Or peppermint schnapps! Cute little holiday tree!! Roxy looks so majestic next to it! Btw, I'm making your tofu/rice/peanut sauce/lettuce bowl tonight!

  2. Your sesame noodles look great! I'm sorry your chocolate chips were such a disappointment.

    I'm not feeling festive, but maybe I will get there.

  3. It sounds like Roxy was a wonderful snooperviser! And yum, those sesame noodles look so good!


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