Monday, September 14, 2020

Restocking With a Rant Interlude!

 After the power outage earlier this week, I lost almost all the food in my fridge and freezer. It hurt really bad to throw stuff out. Since I needed to replace a lot of stuff, I chose Sprouts and the Asian market since this was a setback, and I needed to find the best prices. I did run into Trader Joe's because I saw they now have VEGAN MILK CHOCOLATE!! I've mentioned it here a million times, but I was a milk chocolate girl all the way, and it's been a struggle to deal with dark chocolate. 

I also picked up a GT's strawberry lemonade booch. GT's is my least favorite booch, but I do love their pineapple flavor, so I'm hoping this is just as great!

I tried a square of the chocolate when I left, and OMG!!!! It tastes like I remember Hershey's milk chocolate tasting!! Totally worth standing in line, and the Saturday chaos!!

Lemon, nectarines, avocado,powdered ginger, gluten free bread,celery, shredded cabbage, cauliflower, veganaise,lemon ginger tea, kombucha, veganaise,raspberries,popsicles,oranges, white nectarines,onion,tomatoes, plums,clearance poke sauce(?), jalapeno, serrano pepper, potatoes

I should have mentioned first this is my Sprouts haul! I got all this for thirty some dollars. I don't think anyone, including discount stores can beat Sprouts prices on produce!

I saw this new vegan chicken alternative at Sprouts. Unfortunately, this bag is very light, and is eight dollars. I need to have a little side rant, I was just reading a review on the new gardein canned soups, and when the price issue came up, it was mentioned that yes, it is pricey, but as the demand for vegan food grows, that will bring the price down. I've been hearing that excuse for years, demand has grown, but yet every new vegan offering is more expensive than the last. It's frustrating not so much because I personally can't afford them, it's more that we are trying to save animals here, and no meat eater on any kind of budget, especially if they have a family would be able to even consider these. Same with Just Egg, I know the price has come down a bit, but even at five dollars for that small bottle compared to a buck or two for a dozen eggs. It's maddening and while I like seeing new alternatives, I wonder how much they're really helping animals. 

Sorry, rant over now on to my Asian market haul. I bought all the tofu and I couldn't be happier!

BBQ potato crackers,sriracha,fried tofu,thin and wide rice noodles,rice cakes,nori wraps, emerald tofu,inari pouches, baked tofu, more tofu,golden kiwi, enoki mushrooms,oranges,Jasmine rice

I spent close to forty at the Asian market, so all in all I spent a little opver seventy dollars which is more than I usually spend a week, but considering that I was basically starting fresh, I feel pretty good.


  1. Oh, I know what you mean about the prices! I think right now with the pandemic the prices of everything have been crazy.

    That being said: If you really like milk chocolate, Enjoy Life has a good rice milk bar, and Go Max Go does a series of vegan chocolate bars based on classic candy bars that use plant-based milk chocolate rather than dark. You can buy them in a lot of places, including online, and I haven't priced regular candy bars lately but they seemed equivalent to what their non-vegan counterparts cost around here.

  2. I have had the Enjoy Life rice milk bar, I randomly found it somewhere awhile ago.
    Thanks for reminding me about the Go Max Go bars! When I lived In PA>< there was a store called Wegmans that was incredibly vegan friendly, and I tried a few there. I need more, milk chocolate is the best!

  3. I agree with you, prices are not coming down to be more affordable as demand grows. More products are coming out, but prices are staying high because they know people will still want to buy them. Annoyingly, some of the old school local brands even seemed to increase their prices to match the newer products!

    I am very glad that you have found something that hits your milk chocolate spot.

  4. I'm glad you were able to restock, yay for tofu!
    And wow, $8 seems steep for that little bag!


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