Sunday, September 6, 2020

Everything's Coming Up Vegan!

 Yesterday I ran to Smith's for some cat related items, and of course I always have to see if there's anything fun on clearance, and if there are any fun new vegan items. 

Am I the only one who can't just run in to a grocery store? If I need one item at a clothing store, I have no problem running in for that one thing, but put me in a grocery store and I just have to browse!

Smith's has been carrying Impossible grounds for awhile now, and now they have the burgers, just in time for a huge grilling holiday! You only get two burgers in a package, so I think it's still a better deal to buy the grounds, which you can easily make four or five burgers. But, still, what a time to be vegan. Plant milk is slowly taking up more and more space like plant milk. I love it!

I saw an ad for the new vegan Starbucks creamers just a day or two ago. I figured it would take awhile to trickle down to my area, but apparently I am a pessimist! I had to splurge, and I also had to splurge on the So Delicious frozen mousse/ice cream treat. Have you tried these? It's not protein-y and weird like vegan Halo or those other low calorie ice creams, it's more like their whipped cream with flavors stirred in. I prefer the fruity flavors, but they only had the salted caramel. Poor me!

Last night for dinner I made a delicious lentil soup, and I made it extra delicious and creamy thanks to my hand held blender! I also had a gluten free pita with this AMAZING Za'atar oil/condiment stuff. It's olive oil with Za'atar seasoning. I need to make pizza with this as the base. Delicious!


  1. I love browsing in grocery stores. These days I try and keep it a bit shorter and to the point, given the world is full of cooties, but I have found some really great things I never knew existed just having a nice browse through the aisles. I at least always hit up the spots where I know the vegan food is concentrated to look for anything new or anything on sale.

  2. I still haven't seen the Impossible burger sold in stores yet! But I'll be so excited when I see it! I looooove grocery shopping, but it's been far more stressful since COVID. However, I'm getting more comfy with being in stores since everyone is wearing masks now! That soup looks so good!

  3. I miss the grocery store! But now that I order everything online I'm oddly finding that I still browse and pick up random things. I can't be stopped, apparently.

    Those Hu chocolate bars are SO GOOD. I've only had them a few times but they did not disappoint.

  4. I'm glad you were able to find some goodies for yourself, and your dinner looks amazing!
