Monday, September 21, 2020

All the Tofu!

 For some reason, the last few times I've gone to Whole Foods they've been out of medium, firm and extra firm tofu. They have one or two packages of silken, but I don't use silken tofu often. I'm not sure if they're having issues because of covid, or if there are just a ton of tofu loving vegans who are buying it all up. I hope it's the latter. It's okay, because it gives me an excuse to make the trek to the Asian Market. 

Spicy tofu, tofu cutlets,green onion, golden kiwi, lemons,ginger, fried tofu, medium tofu, oranges, reishi coffee,Thai basil, coconut milk, mushroom seasoning,potato mochi

I was going through the frozen aisle and feeling blue because while there are so many vegan dumplings and scallion pancakes and buns and spring rolls, they all contain wheat!! Then, I came across these potato mochi! I've only ever had the sweet mochi ice cream treats, so I have no idea what to expect with these, has anyone had potato mochi?

Fall is slowly coming around, even though the temperature here has still been very summer-like, except for the three days when I had no power! Ha!

The other day I was grating some daiya farmhouse cheddar, and Bubba was so interested and definitely begging, so I decided to leave a few shreds on the plate to see if he liked it, and he does! It made me cry because it reminded me of my sweet Dylan, who this blog is named after because he did love daiya!


  1. and Bubba. It was meant to be.

  2. I think the pandemic explains the tofu. I had a hard time getting tofu for a while. A lot of omnivores I know were going mostly meatless because they couldn't get meat or were concerned about the packing plants. They don't know all the vegan secrets, though, so though they bought up all the tofu and peanut butter and quinoa and beans we still had amaranth and chickpea flour! I'm so glad that's no longer really been an issue where I live.

    1. See the weird thing is that I haven't had many problems finding tofu throughout the pandemic, but I also only recently visited this Whole Foods, so I'm not sure if they've had this problem all along.
      Thank gourd for the Asian market though!
      I've never cooked with amaranth!

  3. That is so sweet that Bubba also loves Daiya!
    I am glad that you were able to get some tofu, tofu is life!
    I am looking forward to hearing what you think of the potato mochi.

    1. It made me cry! He's like Dylan too in that he only likes it shredded. I only wish Dylan could have tried their new formula, he would have really loved it!
      I can't wait to try the mochi, I looked it up and it seems pretty easy to make if I like it!
      I also realized that I should look in the freezer section for radish cakes, you always have them and they look so good, and I've never had them! And I don't think I've ever seen them at any restaurant I've been to.

  4. Yay for all the tofu!
    That's so adorable that Bubba loves Daiya, too! <3
