Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Wednesday Stuff

Here's another delicious smoothie. Apricot, mango, frozen banana, maca powder and hemp seeds. I'm really enjoying fresh apricots this summer!
And here is more kitchari, but with some tofu croutons. The Yves tofu I got on sale at Smith's is the really firm tofu with hardly any water in it, and it's really nice to work with. Lots of extra sriracha and green dragon sauce. I need more green dragon sauce stat, this was the last of mine and that is a scary time!!
For dinner I whipped up this tofu veggie bowl with cucumber, avocado and cilantro. I made a spicy gochujang sauce and this was perfect. I love different temperatures and textures in my food!
Yesterday morning at like three thirty in the morning my cats wok me up by jumping on and off of me continuously. I've been feeding stray kitties so I looked outside to see if any of them were outside waiting for food. There was a strange man sitting on the steps of my building very close to the apartments. He was smoking something and acting very sketch. I got scared and called the police. Not 911, just the regular police. I reported this, and they said they'd send someone out. A minute later a police officer called and said he couldn't come and check unless this person was doing something illegal! I said, well he's loitering on private property, and the officer said there was nothing he could do because apartments are apparently considered public property! I didn't want the cops to arrest the person or anything, but just a little like what are you doing at three thirty in the morning sitting here! It was very scary and I'm just grateful I didn't have to leave to walk down the stairs because I would have been scared. I've seen cops questioning people for loitering in public spaces all the time, it seems weird that someone can loiter at an apartment building at three thirty in the morning. Anyway, I just had to share that because it was scary and I was quite surprised by the cop's response.
Happy Wednesday, be safe!


  1. Hopefullly the man was just a nicotine addict not allowed to smoke inside, but I guess something about him put you on alert. Maybe get yourself some mace in case the guy is still around in the mornings and you feel unsafe.

    1. I wasn't real clear in my post but my builiding has only five apartments and this guy wasn't someone who lives here. I've never seen him before. I live in a little bit of a sketch area so there are a lot of scary people cutting through the alley and walking through the complex where I live. But mace is a pretty good idea to be honest

  2. That's scary, and a little disappointing that they wouldn't come out. Especially given that you knew he didn't live there, and you felt uncomfortable about it. Just send someone out! Hope he doesn't make a habit of it.

    In happier news, you food looks delightful! Though I would leave off all the spicy sauces. ;) When it is summer time here, apricots are my favourite stone fruit. They are so good! I don't think I have ever put them in a smoothie. When summer comes back, I will.

    1. I was so surprised, and disappointed. I thought the same, just send someone out!
      Apricots are delicious in smoothies, I'm so glad I tried them!

  3. That's really scary and I didn't realize that an apartment complex was considered public property. I'm sorry that it made you feel uncomfortable but if he was just sitting and smoking it was probably just some drunk dude smoking a cigarette before moving on.

    That tofu rice bowl looks seriously incredible. Your food is all so lovely and I bet delicious. I'm definitely planning on cutting down the processed meals and adding more of the lovely summer produce that is showing up now :)

    1. I think it was just someone taking a load off, but it's very scary especially because of other sketch shenanigans that go on in my neighborhood.
      I am so happy with all the fruit and veg showing up at such great prices!

  4. I would have been unnerved by this too and I think you did the right thing to call the police. I'm surprised they didn't come out even if just to drive by to have a look. Hopefully he'd just randomly stopped there and doesn't come back. I'm enjoying reading about your budget meals. I had an amazing score this week when my local bargain shop had cartons of £2.75 raw coconut water for 20p! I bought 15. Luckily for my arms I don't live too far from the shop, lol.

    1. I was so shocked that they wouldn't even come out and check. I wasn't asking them to arrest the guy, just have a look. I guess someone has to get murdered first.
      That's a great deal for coconut water! That's the only hard part when you find a great bargain is not overloading yourself which I do all too often!

  5. That would be scary- be safe! When I get up during the night, I always look outside to see if anyone is out and about.

    1. It was very scary! I think I scared him off because I kept opening and closing my door just to let him know someone was watching him!

  6. I hope you are okay, I have been busy and not had a computer available to me. I see that this was your latest post- have a good weekend. We have had some very warm, muggy days. We had a wonderful visit last night with family. We also got to go to the lake and see some real beautiful scenery- just missed seeing the sunset. We saw a turtle on the side of the road. Then two deer crossed the road. Anxious to hear from you.

    1. It's starting to get very warm here in SLC as well. Not muggy, it's very dry but very very warm.
      That sounds wonderful! I love turtles, and I definitely miss seeing deer!
      I hope you have a wonderful weekend as well!

  7. Sounds like your kitties were looking out for you, at least! Hopefully it was just a one-time thing and he won't be by again.
    Also, that tofu veggie bowl looks amazing! :D

    1. So far he hasn't been back, so I'm very very relieved about that.
      The bowl was so tasty! Especially with the cucumber!

  8. More awesome bowls! You GO girl!


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