Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Don't Stop Believing!

The temperatures are crazy here in SLC. It was over one hundred degrees yesterday and they say today too. Although I love warm and can handle the heat this is a bit much. I am definitely no acclimated to it at all. I'm also not used to the dryness. I know people say it's easier to handle than heat plus humidity, but being from the Midwest, and living in Seattle so long I guess I'm used to humidity. I'm struggling, and walking and waiting for buses with no shade is doing me in to be honest. I had plans to make a new recipe last night, but I just couldn't be bothered. I wanted a big salad. I don't have all the veggies and add ins that I really craved, so I had to get creative. I ended up making roasted potato "croutons" and decided to cook up some quinoa that's been taunting me from my pantry. I do not have the talent for cooking quinoa, and had decided that I was done trying. But, because I was desperate I decided to try one more time, and I made PERFECT FLUFFY quinoa! All I did was boil the quinoa like pasta in a lot of water for about twelve minutes, then I strained it and let it sit in the pot and steam for twenty minutes. When I lifted the lid I seriously almost cried. It was fluffy and just so beautiful! I can't believe I didn't take a picture! I was just so busy stirring and staring in amazement!
I always see perfect looking quinoa, so I don't know if anyone who reads this will find this helpful, but I figured I would share in case anyone else struggles with quinoa. I'm going to try this method one more time to make sure it really is a quinoa miracle and not a fluke.
This was just iceberg lettuce, fluffy quinoa tossed with an Italian vinaigrette (Thanks for the tip Blake!) and topped with nooch-y garlic-y roasted potatoes. It was super easy, filling and refreshing on such a hot day.
Here's to light and fluffy quinoa for everyone!
Here's Etta in her new favorite spot. I know she feels safe because she stayed under the chair when I vacuumed! Normally she runs for cover in another room.


  1. Yikes! 100 degrees is just too much, dry heat or no. I can't imagine having to wait outside for the bus. I hope that you bring plenty of water and are able to stay hydrated. It's so important!

    I still say the potato croutons are genius :) I need to try those and I also need to make some tofu croutons! So good.

    1. It is too much. I am definitely having a hard time coping. I have been drinking soooooo much water!!
      The potato croutons were pretty dang tasty! I just seasoned them with herbs and lots of nooch.

  2. It was very hot here last week- high 80's. Friends are in Arizona and they had 120 degrees yesterday. Now that is too HOT! Make sure you drink you water. Glad you got some new-to-you furniture. Hope you are doing well.

    1. Arizona and also Nevada have it really bad, but we're getting pretty close. It's awful, I am not enjoying it.
      I have been drinking sooooo much water!

  3. I struggled with making fluffy quinoa for a long time too, and I finally found the secret is in the steaming with the lid on after it's done cooking. I used to be too impatient for that, but it makes such a difference. Great idea with those potato croutons!

    Weirdly, I LOVE the heat and humidity. Maybe it's the native Southerner in me, but this is my favorite time of year! It's been in the mid- to high-90s here, but those 100 degree temps are coming soon (we usually get those in late July and all through August).

    1. You are so right, it's the steaming after cooking that makes a huge difference. But it makes such a huge difference!
      I can handle temps in the nineties, but after 100 I wither. And believe it or not I miss humidity. They dry heat hurts my eyes and makes my throat itch.

  4. Love the new to you furniture and love that the kitties are loving it too. I've had a bag of quinoa in my pantry forever because I was scared of it. Now that you've had success, I'm going to try it your way. I must have missed the part about tossing it with an Italian vinegarette, but I have a new one that I bought at Aldi to try so here goes! I feel like it is something I should be eating since everyone does, lol.

    Heat is bad in Arkansas too. Not as bad as yours yet, but we get the heat and humidity a lot. I'm dreading the 100 degree temps. Stay safe and hydrate as much as possible. We need to read about you and your kitties every day :)

    1. The most important thing I've learned about making quinoa is let it steam after you cook it. It makes it light and fluffy and perfect!
      100 degree temps are too much for me. I am someone who loves the heat and the sun, but lately I see the sun as something harsh and brutal.

  5. Hopefully the buses are on time and air-conditioned once you get on.

    1. They are pretty on time here, and blissfully air conditioned.

  6. I know what it's like waiting at a bus stop with no shade! Stay cool and hydrated. We haven't reached 100 degrees yet, but it's slowly climbing up.

    I love your quinoa story and wished to have seen your perfectly fluffed success story. Sounds wonderful. :)

    1. It's the worst! Especially in high traffic areas where the cars are spitting out fumes!
      I so wish I would have taken a picture of the quinoa! Just for proof that once in my life I made perfect quinoa!

  7. Hooray for your quinoa success! I gave up on quinoa a while ago because I just couldn't get it to turn out right, but I might have to give it another try with your method! :)

    1. Try it! I had completely given up on quinoa. I tried every way I could find on the webz and it was never ever fluffy like I see it looking for everyone else. And it's too pricey to have fail after fail. But I swear this worked! I really thin it's the steaming that does the trick.
      I always failed at making brown rice too, and I do the same thing with brown rice and it always turns out!

  8. Ooooh, that is hot.
    I also really struggle with dry heat. It is like I can feel my skin shriveling up and dessicating on my body. Do not like.

    1. That's so how I feel. I can't get enough moisture, I'm constantly slathering coconut oil on my skin, and seriously there is not enough water for me to drink.

  9. Another awesome bowl, girl!!!


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