Wednesday, June 28, 2017

The Deal is Out There

I forgot to show the WooHoo deals I got last week at Smith's. They have a little clearance shelf or maybe it's called an end cap I don't know, but it's an area. Anyway, it's where they put a lot of really random stuff for really cheap. All bakers should definitely check it out, there's always tons of sprinkles and different cake decorations. I found a jar of all natural, organic peanut butter for $.99 because the jar is a little smooshed in, and a bottle of Thai sweet chili sauce for $.75 because the label is a little beat up. I've been out of sweet chili sauce for awhile, so perfect timing!
There's a house up the street from my apartment that I remember had their whole yard full of sunflowers last year when I moved here. I moved here at the end of summer, and so now in the beginning of summer here is the first of the sunflowers making an appearance. Sunflowers must be mid to late summer flowers. I remember having so, so many mixed emotions, and getting lost all the time and just all kinds of issues and all those sunflowers always made me smile. I can't wait till they all grow. I'll definitely share a picture when they do.
Laundromat Life
So Sunday morning after putting my money and soap in the washing machine at my apartment I discovered it wasn't working. I had every item of clothing in the machine except the sweats I had on, and I had a dog to walk in a few hours. I had to make an unfortunate trek to a laundromat and to say I was not thrilled would be a huge understatement. I was so happy to have this kombucha in my fridge. It made the visit a little more tolerable. I had tried the blood orange flavor last week and LOVED  it, and this guava mango flavor is pretty great too. It's fizzy and not too vinegar-y but also not too sweet, and it actually tastes like real fruit. The blood orange is still my favorite but this is right up there.

Here's a tuckered out Daisy after our walk yesterday. I feel bad because it's just so hot they're happy to see me when I show up, but at the same time taking a walk is kind of a drag for all of us. Luckily I've found a little park with lots of shade, and I've learned what side streets have the most shade so we have a nice little somewhat covered route.
And here's Kanye doing what she does best, giving me good belly. She knows I can't resist, and has accepted all the kisses and tickles.
And here she is squirrel watching which is a favorite activity around these parts. The squirrels stop on the fence and stare in and make their cute little defensive noises at the cats, who just don't even know what to do with themselves!


  1. You find the best deals! Really smart to check that section, you've been finding some amazing deals there! How annoying about the laundry! I always had major anxiety doing my laundry in college - I hated leaving all of my clothes in the basement and more often than not I'd come back to find my soaked clothing on top of the washing machine. It was so obnoxious. At least you had that kombucha!

    Hooray for fur babies! Such beauties <3

    1. The laundromat is the worst. I do not like people touching my clothes, and I don't like to touch other peoples clothes either. I am so glad I had the kombucha to soothe my worked nerves.

  2. Our local supermarket Stop & Shop has what's affectionately called the "dented cans" rack. It includes packages that are dented or torn as well as discontinued items. They're marked with a yellow sticker and are discounted a minimum of 50%.

    It's the first place I check every time I walk in the store. Like, every time. Usually, it's just me and a senior citizen or two pawing through the stuff. It's kind of silly, but I get such a kick out of getting deals there. If it's a discontinued item, a product the store isn't going to carry anymore or an entire case of something was damaged - I can really stock up.

    And I must say again, I love love love Daisy's glossy fur.

    1. That's so funny. I was just thinking about dented can sales! It's always me and a few senior citizen too. I've had some stuff almost snatched out of my hand, it can get intense but I love the deals!
      Daisy's fur is so, so gorgeous. I'm in love with those girls!

  3. More great finds! Love seeing the dogs you are taking care of too! So sweet!

    1. They are so so sweet! I'm obsessed with the woohoo sales!

  4. 99 cents for Organic PB?! Wow! Combined with the Sunflowers and Kombucha, it almost balances out the laundry woes.

    1. Yes, luckily my laundry issues were balanced out by a lot of good things. Such a score for the peanut butter!

  5. Nice deals! I always scour the manager's special aisle at Kroger. I find so many good deals! Last night, they had tubs (with 18 scoops each) of Vega Protein & Greens on sale for $10 (reg $30!). So I got three, like 3 for the price of 1! Woo hoo!

    1. That's such a great deal! It's become my favorite part of shopping at Smith's! It's like going treasure hunting or something!

  6. Such good deals. Will happily take something with a little scuff or dent if it means they take the price down! The peanut butter is such a good deal!!!

    1. That's how I feel, I'm eating what's inside of the jar, not the outside. I really scored with the peanut butter!!

  7. I wish things would go on sale for being smooshed! They just keep them on the shelf where I am T__T

    1. I know, that's what I'm used to. But I have gotten so many amazing deals at Smith's because of smooshed packaging!

  8. I love sunflowers; they are my favorite! That's so funny that the squirrels talk back to your cats; it's usually just a one-way conversation with my kitties chittering at the squirrels and being ignored, haha!

    1. Sunflowers are sooo beautiful! Luckily for me they seem to be really popular here in SLC so I'll be seeing a lot of them!
      It is so cute to watch, sometimes the squirrels even lay down on the fence and have stare offs with my cats!


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