Thursday, June 8, 2017

Daiya Blue Cheeze is a Vegan Miracle!!!

While getting cat food yesterday I did my usual perusing all the aisles at Smith's to see if there were any WooHoo sales going on. Look what I found! The daiya dressing wasn't on a woohoo sale, but it was on sale so I decided to try it based on quite a few people mentioning that it's really good and really thick. In my pregan days I loved really, really thick blue cheese. But more on the dressing in a minute. Check out the maca powder!!! I paid $6.99 for the last package I got. I haven't bought it again because it just hasn't been in my budget, so I am so happy! And Mother In Law's gochujang for $1.79?! Amazing!!! It's the small things in life that really make my day! I know Mother In Law's kimchi is on the pricier side, so I know I scored with this.
In my pregan days I used to love having salads with Italian and blue cheese dressing. So for dinner I made some potato wedges and had a salad with Italian and the daiya Blue Cheeze. First of all, it is SUPER DUPER thick. I love the FYH blue cheese, but it is on the thinner side which is my one complaint. To me the daiya is much more authentic. I don't know how they did it but it smells and tastes like the blue cheese of my past. I'm already imagining all the things I want to dip into it. Cauliflower wings, Buffalo tofu, celery, carrot sticks, etc. Daiya proved me very wrong with this dressing. I feared it would have that daiya taste. You know, like the shreds when they're cold? Well, they nailed it and it tastes amazing. I know because it's so thick I had to use the handle of a spoon to get it out, and I licked that handle dry!! The only two things I would change if I had any say is I would have it in more of a wide mouth jar since it is so thick, and of course I would lower the price. But other than that this is a vegan miracle. I give this a billion times infinity thumbs up!!
And when I posted this picture on Instagram, daiya messaged me and asked if they could use the picture on their page which I of course said YES!!! The picture has over a thousand likes on their page! Not so much on my page but whatever!
If you were a fan of thick blue cheese you will LOVE this dressing/dip. I am seriously blown away. This is in a tie with daiya's original cheesecake as my favorite product that they make. Amazing.
Here's my faithful yoga partner. She's in corpse pose which is her favorite. We both worked on our flexibility yesterday morning.


  1. You find the best sales! That is am amazing price for maca and the gochujang! Mother in Law's kimchi is VERY expensive. I splurged on it this week but I haven't tried it. I hope I don't regret it. That is an amazing price for the gochujang though. I'm so glad that the daiya dressing was good! I've heard the ranch is not great so I've been weary of trying their dressings but that's great that this one is authentic tasting! I bet that dinner was delicious :)

    Haha savasana is definitely the best pose :D She's very good at it!

    1. I really scored. Like I said, the maca I bought before was double that price which is why I haven't bought more. And that gochujang was perfect timing because I needed more. I really scored.
      I've heard that the daiya Caesar is not very good too. I read somewhere that it's way to lemon-y. I was so scared to try it, but the Blue Cheeze is seriously amazing.
      Etta is definitely stepping up her yoga game!!

  2. Love Etta doing yoga! We have Follow Your Heart dressings here now but not Daiya. We are currently enjoying the cesear one. I don't know if it's just a UK thing but a few weeks ago the Aldi stores here started doing a bargain range of superfood powders for just a few pounds. There's things like maca, cacao, wheatgrass, green protein blend etc.

    1. If you ever get the Just dressings from Hampton Creek I really recommend them! I haven't tried the FYH Caesar but I love the Just Caesar.
      That's amazing that Aldis is carrying those powders for cheap! I miss Aldi and Grocery Outlet. SLC doesn't have any of those stores that I know of and they can be a person on a budget's best friend.
      Etta has always loved to be right by my side when I do yoga ever since she was an itty bitty kitten. She's gotten quite flexible!

  3. I love the Daiya Blue Cheese Dressing! My only quibble is with the bottle, because it is quite hard to get those last little bits out! And I want to be able to enjoy every single drop. It is so good!

    1. I know, I think they should sell it in a wide mouth jar like the really thick non vegan blue cheese I used to eat. When I was looking at the comments on their Instagram page with my picture, I saw a lot of people saying the same thing. It's so, so good.

    2. Do what my mom used to do, add a couple drops of red wine vinegar, swirl it around and it should clean out a good bit of the remains.

    3. That's a really great idea. I'll have to do that when I get down to the bottom of my bottle because I want to use it ALL!!

  4. I knew you would LOVE Daiya's Blue Cheese!!!

    1. I really do! It's really thick like the Blue Cheese I remember from my pregan days!


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