Monday, June 5, 2017

BFree Quinoa and Chia Wraps

So I tried these gluten free wraps last night. Their quinoa and chia seed wraps, and I was very, very unsure of how they would work as wraps. I've tried several gluten free tortillas or wraps, and in my experience they aren't pliable at all, and it kind of takes the pleasure out of a wrap or burrito. And to be honest I kind of didn't want to like them because when they aren't on sale they are six dollars which is too pricey for me to have on a regular basis. So it would be easier if they were rubbish. But, they are the opposite of rubbish!
I made a light, summer-y spicy chickpea salad with a lemon vinaigrette to stuff in the wraps. Delicious!
I noticed right away when I pulled out the wraps they were very soft. Obviously not as soft as flour tortillas, but pretty dang close. I was already impressed. The directions on the package said to heat in either the microwave, oven or stove top. So, I put my wraps in a 350 oven for like two minutes. I wrapped some Romaine and the salad in the wraps, and folded up with absolutely NO breakage. They folded easily, and didn't have to be handled super delicately or anything like that. Amazing.
And they taste great too! They had a nutty, almost whole wheat flavor from I'm guessing the quinoa. I have to say I'm really impressed with these wraps. Definitely the best gluten free bread product I've ever tried. I would eat these even if I weren't gluten free to be honest. And they're vegan, with no funky weird chemicals. I am very pleasantly surprised. Smith's also had the BFree pita bread which I might have to try if they're still on the introductory sale. It was so nice having a wrap when I though maybe I would never something like that again! I really recommend these. The only complaint I have is the price. But unfortunately gluten free everything is way more expensive. Even gluten free flour is double, or triple the cost of regular flour. But other than that these are really amazing and I give them all the thumbs up!
Afro is not ready to face Monday morning at all. She's dreaming of the weekend, and one day sneaking all the way down the stairs of my building!


  1. Great to hear they work as wraps as I put the two we had left over from enchiladas in the freezer. It really sucks how expensive GF stuff is. I have two friends who have coeliac diagnoses and they can get pasta/bread or flour free on the NHS at the moment but it looks like that is going to be taken away. I'm keeping my fingers crossed you find lots of discounted B-Free products.

    1. I hope so too. As soon as I stock up on different gluten free flours I'll be able to start making some of the breads in my new cookbook too which will be much cheaper.

    2. This is the GF brownie recipe that I mentioned the other week. It is amazing. I halve it and just make 6 at a time in a small tin. They freeze well too. Everyone who I've given them too has been so surprised they are gluten free and have really loved them. I use coconut oil rather than Earth Balance/ marg and I think this adds to the flavour.

    3. Thank you, I'll have to try these. I do love brownies and haven't had any since going gluten free.
      And thanks for the tip about coconut oil. I do my best to avoid palm oil so earth balance is no longer an option for me. I like coconut oil much better anyway.

  2. Yay!! I'm glad you got to try these! All the B Free products are REALLY great. I love these wraps.

    1. They're so good! I hope to get the pita bread too if they're still on sale!

  3. A buck a wrap stinks but I guess still cheaper than eating out? Stinks that gluten free stuff is so expensive. I am sure they say it is because they need to make sure wheat isn't processed in the plant they use.

    1. It is cheaper than eating out for sure. These are still not as expensive as some gluten free stuff I've seen, but they definitely can't be a regular item that I buy. It's very frustrating to be honest!

  4. I'm so glad that the wraps worked out for you! I know gluten free stuff is expensive but it's nice to know that there are some good quality products out there in case you want to treat yourself. The chickpea salad looks really incredible. I bet you could make some yummy tortilla pizzas out of those too! In case you have that craving ;)

    1. It is nice to know they're out there, and like you said it's a nice option as a treat. I just wish I could find something that could be more of a regular thing but what can you do.
      You are so right about a tortilla pizza!!!

  5. I am glad you were able to have a nice wrap experience! Though a bummer about the price. Hopefully they will come on sale again in the future!

    1. I hope so too. I also want to try the pita bread and regular bread. I also have to start making my own as well!

  6. That's how I roll!!!! When it doubt throw a bunch of stuff together using chickpeas as the base! BAM!!!!!! :)


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