Sunday, June 4, 2017

Sunday Stuff

It seems like more people in SLC have rose bushes than anywhere else I've ever lived. It's funny because roses are always my least favorite flower at flower shops, but when they're are on their own I really love them. And when I walk by and get  a whiff, beautiful! Summer is in full bloom for sure. With all that's going on in this world, more and more I am so grateful for these simple beautiful moments.

I got some groceries yesterday, but only a few things. Red lentils, potatoes, cilantro, lemon, and tofu. The same stuff I get almost weekly. But here are the new and different items. Smith's recently started carrying some BFree items, which are vegan and gluten free. That's the good news, the bad news is like most gluten free items they are pretty pricey. Six dollars to be exact. The loaves of bread are like half loaves, and the pita bread is four pitas. The wraps come with six wraps. But, since they're new they have them on sale for three dollars so I decided to try the wraps. I kind of wish I would have gotten the pita, but what can I say four versus six I go for the best value. I also found these dark chocolate with orange peel bars for ninety nine cents each!!! Total score. They are so so good. Orange and chocolate is seriously one of my favorite flavor combos and these don't disappoint. The orange peels are kind of crunchy, and the flavor is nice and strong. Delicious. I also got some sunscreen while it was on sale. The sun is seriously no joke here, and since I walk and am waiting for buses in the glaring sun I need all the help I can get. I don't know if SPF 45 is going to be strong enough to be honest. Last year when I first moved here, I had SPF 60 or something like that and I was still getting sunburned. I hate to say it but I think the less natural more toxic sunscreens are probably stronger.But at that point I feel like the sun is safer than those horrible chemicals. Not to mention I'll take a wrinkle over supporting animal testing any day of my life. I also got shea butter for extra moisture, and I remember reading that it has been used as a sunblock. It was on sale along with the sunscreen so I figured why not. Dry season is here.
I have some chickpeas cooking as I'm typing, and I'm going to make a spicy chickpea salad that I hope to make into wraps using the BFree wraps. I hope they're reasonably pliable. I have very high hopes. I'll definitely report back tomorrow.
Here's the game I play everyday with these two. I let them out, and they constantly try to sneak down the stairs, or jump on the neighbors windows to peek in, or go down the deck to my neighbors space and be nosy. When finally I've had it up to here and say time to go inside girls, then they plop down and look at me like, I just want to lay out here and enjoy the fresh air! They refuse to learn the word no, but the magically understand inside!


  1. I wouldn't worry about the SPF. I remember reading that it goes on a curve- like the number 30 SPF blocks 98% of UV but 50 SPF blocks 98.7% or something like that. You could try Babyganics. It is probably a lot more expensive than normal sunscreen. I THINK they are vegan and they use minerals to block the sun. Sadly it makes you a little pasty white.

    My Mom had great luck growing roses in Southern Utah. It was a desert but she just had to water them. She said they grew so well because of the low humidity. All our roses in Jersey would get a specific leaf rot. I have to agree- roses are best on the bushes. They smell nicer and have prettier variations in color.

    1. I tried the SPF 45 yesterday and it seemed to work. But then again I wasn't out in the sun very long, so we'll see how it holds up when it's really hot and I'm out and about longer.
      I figured all the rose bushes had to have something to do with the climate. I mean, I've never seen so many rose bushes in my life, and I love it!! It is definitely very, very dry here in Utah. Something I'm still not used to if I'm being honest.

  2. What did you think of the B-Free wraps? I picked up one of their burrito lots the other day for £1 instead of £5. The salsa that came with it was too much for me but we used a Linda McCartney frozen burrito mix I'd also got for £1 and Matt made a sauce and we put it altogether to make enchiladas and the BFree wraps worked great in that.

    1. I really, really liked them. They were very pliable which is not common in any other gluten free wrap or tortilla I've tried. And they had a nice nutty flavor which I really enjoyed. I'm very impressed with them! They have a gluten free pita bread that I will have to try if it's still on sale!

  3. Roses growing in bushes are so much more beautiful than the ones you get in the shops. I went to the rose test garden in PDX when I visited there once and it was beautiful.

    I am so sensitive to the sun, and the sun here is so harsh, that I just have to layer on serious sunscreen, and even then I still burn. I just try and stay inside a lot!

    1. They really are. And they smell so amazing too.
      The sun is the harshest I've ever dealt with here in SLC. And the worst of summer has yet to come. I'm going to be going through a lot of sunscreen this year!

  4. Gorgeous Roses! I guess I didn't comment on this post before now either! YIKES!!! LOVE seeing your cats enjoy playtime!


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