Friday, June 9, 2017

Budget Vegan

I figured I'd show some more budget friendly vegan meals today. Budget meals are pretty much all I eat, but still it's nice to share. And I like to show that vegan food can be very budget friendly and also delicious and not bland or boring.
This is one of my favorite easy meals. Red lentil and potato curry with Jasmine rice. Sometimes I use green lentils, but this week all I have are red. Red lentils cook faster than green so you get to eat even sooner! And the leftovers are always so tasty the next day.
When I was at Smith's the other day, I scored organic blackberries on sale for $1.50 a pint! I was so excited about my other finds I forget to show them. So I had this blackberry, hemp seed, banana and maca powder smoothie. Since I got such a great deal I really loaded it up with blackberries. I love the color.
Last night I made a rice bowl with tofu and avocado with a sauce I made with my sale gochujang and coconut aminos. The coconut aminos worked so well with the gochujang because of the sweetness. This was a really simple and delicious dinner that was also very inexpensive. Tofu rice bowls are one of my favorite meals because you can throw different veggies in for variety, and also switch up the sauce.
And of course I have kitchari almost every morning for breakfast. I'm still not tired of it. I like how it makes me feel in the morning, and it really fuels me up on the days where I do lots of walking. And it's easy to make a big batch and then just reheat in the mornings. And it's a great vehicle for me to get in my daily green dragon sauce which is seriously my biggest addiction.

And I can't leave out potatoes. The food I eat several times a week and love so much. They don't get the credit they deserve for their nutritional value, and their ability to be so filling and satisfying. They can be prepared so many different ways, and always make me happy. Spud love is strong in this kitchen!

Here's Joan deep in sleep. Her little tail was flicking away. She was dreaming of getting the squirrels and birds and bugs oh my!


  1. Very jealous on your good deal on blackberries :) They are never cheaper around here. Love the budget meal posts, I'm always trying to save money and looking for good meal ideas. I'm a potato lover too and eat them several times a week. Cute kitty pic too :)

    1. Blackberries are never that cheap here either, especially organic! I really lucked out.
      I'm going to be doing a budget challenge this coming week and maybe next week to show more cheap vegan meals! I love doing it because I'm on a strict budget myself, and I love showing that vegan food doesn't have to cost an arm and a leg!

  2. All your budget meals look great! I really need to make a tofu rice bowl soon; it's been too long since I've had one!

    1. Thank you! Tofu and rice bowls are one of my favorite things to eat after my beloved potatoes of course!!

  3. Your budget meals look incredible. I love what you are able to do with budget friendly ingredients. Everything looks so satisfying. That smoothie is the most gorgeous color! I am going to be doing some pantry meals next week so I see a lot of rice bowls in my future :)

    1. Thank you! I feel like I'm really able to eat well with budget foods!
      Rice bowls are so good and satisfying! Next to potatoes definitely one of my favorite meals!! I can't wait to see what you come up with!!

  4. I wish I could get blackberries at that price! Even in blackberry season they are still normally about $4 for 150g, and so often they end up going mouldy before you even get them home. I end up getting them frozen instead, where it is $4 for 500g.

    1. I know. Ninety nine percent of the time frozen fruit is cheaper than fresh, even when the fruit is in season!!

  5. LOVE that deep purple color! And those bowls OMG I want to eat them right NOW!


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