Friday, June 23, 2017

Deals and Dogs!

Yesterday was a hot, tiring day. I was walking in the heat so much that I have an actual heat rash on my calves, no joke. It looks hideous. I looked it up online and apparently it's sometimes called Disney rash because people often get it on hot days walking around amusement parks. I've never in my life had anything like this. UUGGGHHH. I say all of that to say that I couldn't be bothered to think much about dinner. I stopped at Smith's, and luckily they had this quinoa pasta and also the sun dried tomato tapenade both on clearance for $1.50 each!! Along with the tofu I got a quick and easy meal and came in way under my budget for the week. The tapenade is really delicious, rich and tomato-y. They had a green olive tapenade on sale too if they still have it today I will pick it up for sure. It's such a nice easy thing to toss with pasta for a quick meal.

I topped the pasta with some crushed red pepper and nooch and had a side of baked tofu and it really hit the spot! I love finding great sales, especially on days were you really need them!
I thought I would introduce these two ladies who are new in my life. This is Daisy and Ivory. They are two new dogs that I walk. I just met them on Monday, and they are gorgeous and sweet.
Happy Daisy

Happy Ivory
It's been a tough week for walks. We've only been able to take two walks, the other days we've had to just play in the backyard because of the extreme heat. Their mom wants me to walk them midday when the heat is at it's worst, so I have to look out for these gals. Anyway, don't tell my ladies that I'm featuring dogs today instead of them. I will get a picture of another little guy in my life today. SLC is having an art festival, and an artist from Austin, Texas is having me walk his dog while he's in town. Louie is the dogs name and he is also the cutest.
Wish me luck coping with the heat today. I will be wearing long pants because I'm afraid my legs will scare small children. This reminds me of when I was a kid and would get eaten up by mosquitoes and then refuse to wear shorts because I was so embarrassed. Luckily the webz tells me the rash will heal itself in three to ten days. Let's hope I'm more on the three day end of the spectrum.
Happy Friday!


  1. OMG - Gorgeous babies! I love Daisy's silky smooth fur.

    1. They are so gorgeous! I'm really happy I get to hang out with them!

  2. Great to hear about the dog walking but sorry to hear about the rash. I remember getting heat rash a lot as a kid. Hopefully it will clear quickly. I had the exact same pasta for lunch. I found some Ancient Harvest elbows and linguine in one of my favourite bargain shops the other week. I really like it and wish I bought more. Look forward to seeing the pics of your other doggie friend.

    1. I like the pasta too, and wish I would have bought more. I like the texture. So far the rash is still going strong, but it hasn't gotten worse so I guess that's good.
      I got some picture of Louie yesterday. He is so cute, I'll definitely miss him!

  3. Cute dogs! They look super friendly. I used to get the same kind of rash, it was terrible. Keeping it dry, maybe with some cornstarch or cornstarch baby powder helped a lot. We had a slight cool down today and some rain but back into the heat tomorrow. I like summer but I'm a fall kind of person. Can't wait till cooler temperatures come along.

    1. They are very friendly and sweet! I'm so glad I met them!
      I have always been a summer person for as long as I can remember, but with this dryness and heat I feel a shift is coming. I find myself thinking of the sun as an enemy not a friend anymore. I feel like I'm definitely a spring/fall person now. I like gentle, not harsh.

  4. Aww what sweet babies!! You made a good choice about not walking them in the heat. It is too much and they could burn their little paws on the pavement! I've been seeing all kinds of crazy stories so you definitely did the right thing. They have such sweet, beautiful faces <3 I'm really happy for you that you are getting business! The meal looks really great as well!

    1. I know, they've been warning people to not even let the dogs out, and only let them be in the grass if they do go out. It's crazy. I am so happy I get to walk them, and hang out with them!

  5. Ugh my husband use to get heat rash all the time at our old apartment. The air conditioning wasn't the greatest. So he would have to walk around without a shirt on in the apartment.

    Those puppies look amazing! The afternoon is not the best time to be walking a dog! Especially when they have black fur!

    1. UUGH this rash is the worst. I've never experienced anything like this. I just hope it goes away soon.
      I feel so bad for the dogs. I tried to talk her into earlier walks on the super hot days, but we just compromised on the back yard hangout. But even that is like too much.

  6. Awww, Daisy & Ivory are so cute! I'm sure they are glad to have you looking out for them when it's so hot out! Hope your heat rash heals quickly!

  7. Aren't they so gorgeous! This heat is just the worst. I'm just grateful for all of us that she has a backyard with some amount of shade.
    The rash is still hanging around unfortunately. I really hope it heals quickly, wearing pants in this heat is insane!

  8. I could eat Tomatoes or Tomato-y things everyday! I need to get back into Tofu more - I go in spurts.

    1. I feel like I need to eat tofu at least once or twice a week. I get serious cravings!
      Tomato season is coming up, and I can't wait for fresh tomatoes to be perfect!

  9. That heat sounds atrocious. I am so sun sensitive I wouldn't even be able to go out. Unfortunate that they want you to walk them right in the hottest part of the day. Surely the pavement would be too hot for their little feetsies?

    They are very pretty puppies. :)

    1. When it's too too hot she has me just play with them in the backyard. But it's like straw and hay back there which also can't feel good on their poor feetsies. But she won't budge on the time because it's halfway through her day. Very frustrating.
      But they are so, so sweet!


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