Wednesday, April 5, 2017

What I Ate Tuesday

I thought I would do a what I ate post. I'm not sure how exciting this post will be as my meals have been somewhat basic lately. I'm still struggling with the gluten free thing. My biggest struggle is that although I have been avoiding gluten, caffeine and most processed foods, I still don't really notice a lot of weight loss. So, it feels like I'm restricting myself for absolutely no reason. I try my best to not focus on the outside, and try to tell myself that what matters is that I'm healing myself on the inside, but sometimes that just doesn't work. It's just a very frustrating cycle that I've been on for quite awhile now and sometimes I just feel like saying screw it and going back to my unhealthy ways. That's been kind of bugging me this week and has caused my depression to kind of take over a bit. Anyway, sorry for the little rant but I just want to be honest about my struggles. I'm feeling uninspired in the kitchen lately as well, and that always gets me down.
For breakfast I took a break from my usual kitchari and made some spicy potato tacos with lettuce, and lots of cilantro and green onion. Topped with cholula of course.
This is a smoothie with banana, frozen mango, hemp seeds and maca powder. Someone on Instagram told me that mangoes are really great for mood stabilizing, so I added extra to my smoothie. I forgot spinach at Trader Joe's, so I'm having fruit smoothies this week.

For dinner I made skin on red mashed potatoes with fire roasted corn and vegan gravy. I needed comfort food and mashed potatoes answered my call. I used Road's End gravy mix instead of Simply Organics. It was good, but Simply Organics remains my favorite vegan gravy mix.
Here's Afro and Etta spooning! Shortly after I took this picture Kanye jumped in the middle which is her favorite spot to be. I'm so grateful for these girls because no matter how down I am, they always make me smile!


  1. Nothing boring about these meals! That smoothie color is gorgeous! I'm going to be making tons of smoothies soon :) Potato tacos look and sound delicious, I'm definitely going to have to give those a try!

    Look how cute the fur babies are! I love how they are such cuddle bugs and love being around each other :)

    1. I love green smoothies, but sometimes fruit smoothies are just so beautiful and delicious!
      Potato tacos are really delicious, one of my favorites!
      I know, I love how cuddly these girls are. It tugs my heart every time!

  2. Do you feel better on a gluten-free diet? I personally don't think gluten is as bad as we make it out to be- BUT we could really eat too much of it in a Western diet.

    The food looks yummy and kitties look snugglie.

    1. I never had any issues with gluten, and to be honest I always kind of rolled my eyes at the gluten free movement, but from all of my research on hypothyroidism, gluten is a big no no. Gluten and caffeine are the two things that are really, really bad. I haven't noticed a difference, and I don't feel like weight is coming off so that's the frustrating part because I miss gluten so much! But until I can see a doctor I'm trying to be strong.

  3. The tacos are gorgeous! And I love that Road's End gravy. I bought 9 packs on sale recently for like super cheap (maybe like 50 cents each, maybe less, can't remember but it was a sweet deal). Sorry you're feeling down! :-(

    1. That is an amazing deal on the Road's End gravy. It's so good, and so easy. I really don't think either Road's End or Simply Organic gravy taste like they come from a package!
      Thanks so much!

  4. I hope you are having a good day. The sun is shining today- how nice! Snow is in the forecast for Friday. Maybe it won't amount to too much. I am going on a bus trip tomorrow, so excited. I love to travel and haven't been able to do that lately.

    1. I love to travel by bus too! There's just something so fun and relaxing about it. Plus, you get to meet all kinds of people, and see things that you wouldn't if you were flying! Where are you going on your trip?

  5. I'm glad you have your kitties to help make you smile. <3

  6. Smooooooooothie! YAY!!!!! Loving your smoothies - keep 'em comin'!


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