Friday, April 14, 2017

Random Friday

Here's a delicious thrown together soup with all kinds of odds and ends. This has red and green lentils, a handful of pinto beans leftover from last night's dinner, potatoes, and some broken rice noodles. Seasoned with nooch, Italian seasoning, and fennel seeds. And also a bit of tomato paste lingering in my fridge that needed to be used. Hearty, filling and super cheap. Fennel seeds give lentil soup a sausage-y flavor. There's just something about throwing a bunch of random stuff in a pot that always works!
Yesterday for breakfast I made these chunky potato wedges seasoned with garlic and curry powder. I also made a spicy thousand island. I used sriracha ketchup, Just Mayo and sweet relish. It was sweet and spicy and really tasty.
I had a few corn tortillas hanging in my fridge that I needed to use, but I wasn't in the mood for soft tacos. So, I decided to make tostadas! I just baked the tortillas until they were nice and crunchy, and added some potatoes and pinto beans cooked with Trader Joe's chili lime seasoning. That stuff is really great by the way. I also made a little spicy slaw to go on top. This hit the spot! It was my first time making tostadas, and it was a success! I know they sell tostada shells at the grocery, but these were cheaper and oil free to boot. They only take like ten minutes to get crispy. I used the last of my cholula to top these lovelies. I've now run out of green dragon sauce and cholula. It's safe to say I'm in panic mode!
Can you even handle the fluff? I know I can't, it's just almost too much! My two little grey beauties!
And here's one of Kanye's favorite places to sleep. On an old sheet and sweatshirt that I never wear in the corner of my closet. She and Etta duke it on the regular for this spot!


  1. I love your potato wedge picture- must try them again. My last try @ baking fries wasn't good. Cute furry pictures. Snickers is calming down- she is a stray feral cat, but so cute. Not sure how to put a pic on here, but one of these days, I will figure it out. By the way, I got the job. I start next Thursday. I have so much paperwork to do, but that's all coming together. I have been out of practice with working, so this is a little scary. When I decided that I needed to work again, things started to fall in place. I believe in prayer and God led me to the right place @ the right time. Lots of new things for an old lady to learn. I'm not good with change. Any ideas on new jobs?

    1. I find cutting the potatoes in thick wedges, and baking them at 400 degrees for about thirty to forty minutes is the best. I also use a little coconut oil on the baking sheet. I put the sheet in the oven while it's preheating to melt the coconut oil, and then put the wedges on the hot pan. Hope that helps!
      Good luck on your new job! I don't have a lot of ideas or tips on new jobs. I always hate being the new person, I feel awkward and in the way and it's just the worst.

    2. Thanks for the idea on the potatoes, I will give it a try. I have about 15 hrs of computer orientation for the job, so that's what I need to do before I start on Thursday. I guess they do pay for that. Well, it's Easter and what a beautiful morning! He is risen! Have a Happy Easter.

    3. That's nice that they pay for that! Have a great day!

  2. Ooh, you know I never thought to bake tortillas for tostadas! I just thought they'd have to be fried. I should try this. I bet the air fryer would also be great.

    1. I always thought they needed to be fried too, but after my success at making baked tortilla chips, I figured why wouldn't that method work for tostada shells! I bet an air fryer would be even better than the oven!!

  3. That thousand island dressing looks awesome. I will have to try to make some soon. Love the fur kitties, they are so cute!

    1. The thousand island really was delicious. I can't wait to get more potatoes so I can make the dip again! I like it with regular ketchup, but the sriracha ketchup really took it to a whole new level!

  4. Your potato wedges are always perfection! And those tostadas, yum! I've been craving nachos like crazy lately (which is weird because I've had nachos no more than 5 times in my life) but now I'm all about the tostadas! I'll have to make some next week! Your fur babies always look so cozy, I love it!

    1. Cravings are so weird that way! I haven't had nachos that often either, but every now and then it seems like nothing else will do. Tostadas are kind of like a big nacho!

  5. Baking tortillas for tostadas is a great idea!
    More great looking potatoes as well. Nom nom nom.

    1. I couldn't believe how perfect they turned out in the oven. All these years i assumed they had to be fried!!

  6. Fries!!!! I still need to jump on board with the fries! Just haven't had a lot of potatoes on hand lately! Between your Potato Cleanse and my Taco Cleanse that I posted about today based on the book I'm totally pumped about them!

    1. I seriously get twitchy if I go too long without potatoes! I'm excited to see what you make from the taco Cleanse book. I've heard really good things.


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