Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Traumatic Bus Experience, and Dillicious Potatoes

I made this smoothie yesterday with strawberries, bananas, hemp hearts and a few blackberries. I thought it was funny how much the blackberries colored the smoothie. There are less than five blackberries and loads of strawberries! They should look into using blackberries for dyeing purposes.
I've been taking public transportation for well over ten years now, and for the most part I'm perfectly happy with my choice. But yesterday I had one of the most disgusting, traumatic experiences I've ever had on a bus, and that's saying a lot because public and bus. So, there was a girl sitting in the front seat who had an open sore on her face. She was scratching this thing incessantly. I mean, it was hard not to stare. So, someone with a wheelchair was boarding the bus and she had to move to a different seat. Even though there were tons of empty seats, she of course sat next to me. Okay, so I'm trying super hard to be okay with the face scratching, and trying to figure out how to get away. At this point I'm wondering if I should just walk. So, her traveling companion turns around and tells her to stop digging at her face. She then decides to say OUT LOUD that she knows she should stop, but that she's been itching ever since they left the shelter. I immediately started feeling like I itched everywhere, and got off at the next stop and just walked. I felt seriously ill. Luckily for me as soon as I got off the bus I stopped itching, so it was obviously in my head but come on!! Sit in an empty seat!
So, needless to say when I got home I couldn't scrub enough, and I wanted a nice, comforting meal. Sometimes I wonder if being kind to Mother Earth is worth it. I'm kind of kidding. Anyway, I made a nice green salad with Greek Vinaigrette, oven baked tofu and Lemon-y dill potatoes. I used lots of dried dill, and my apartment smelled AMAZING!!! It was a nice way to soothe my frazzled nerves.
Thanks for listening to my gross bus story. You know how sometimes things happen and you can't wait to come home and tell someone? Well, I had no one to tell. I mean, my cats cared, but you know.
I had some of this deliciousness for dessert. I think this is my favorite flavor so far. If you can find Nada Moo near you, I really think you should try it. It is definitely my favorite vegan ice cream. And the salted caramel is absolutely dreamy!
These little girls always make things better too. Joan was sleeping in the coveted spot in my bedroom closet, and Kanye made herself at home right next to her. Notice the look of exasperation on Joan's face!


  1. OMG WTF?!?! I'm so grossed out for you. I'm itching now! I don't understand why people are so gross. I was at the ophthalmologist once and there was a guy there and both of his eyes were red and oozing (I know so gross I'm sorry) and he kept rubbing them and TOUCHING EVERYTHING. I had a massive panic attack and I couldn't stop with the sanitizer and using clorox wipes on all of my stuff. It was the grossest thing ever so I can definitely relate.

    I have to find this nada moo ice cream. It sounds so good! Love those sweet faces!

    1. Hi Sarah I also read your blogs, and was trying to thank you for a Shine Bright post that really helped me a lot, but when I clicked to comment there, the pinwheel just kept spinning. Anyway, thank you for writing your blog. Somehow, what you wrote positively changed the way I thought about something and you made my life a little better and a little brighter. Thank you <3 Shae

      Been a long-time follower here too <3

    2. That is soooo gross! I don't understand people who seem to have absolutely no sense of their own grossness!
      I hope you can find the nada Moo, it's so so good!

    3. Hi Shae! Thank you so much for your comment, it means so much to me to hear that what I said has helped you. If you are talking about my latest post I know that it has been having that problem because I can't get to the comments either. I know the other posts have been ok so you can comment on one of those or you can feel free to e-mail me at any time! My e-mail is on the "Contact" page (you can find it on the top left side of my blog).

      Thank you again for your feedback and for reading. You just made my day <3

    4. Sarah- I left a comment yesterday or the day before, and when I went to make sure it published i couldn't get back to the comment section. Blogger was acting weird for me last week, and Jennifer from My Blissful Journey said it's acting weird for her today.

    5. I think I just fixed it!! It looked like your comment had been deleted (it said by original poster) and I think that sent it into a bit of a tailspin. I deleted the deleted comment on my end and it's working now!

    6. Blogger comments have been weird lately, I'm sorry it deleted your comment :( You know I always appreciate your comments and support <3

    7. For some reason my comment had posted twice, so I deleted one of the comments, and then when I went to make sure that the original comment stayed that's when things went awry. Sorry about that!

    8. Haha no problem! It's all fixed now and I also know how to fix it in the future :)

  2. It's good that you feel that you can share the gross things as well as the good things. It helps to have someone to share with. I must try the salted caramel sometime- it sounds good. I start my job tomorrow and still have more orienting material to do on the computer, so have a good day.

    1. You do need to try the salted caramel, it's the best!
      Good luck on your first day, are you nervous?? I can't wait to hear all about it!

  3. Oh, that is gross! I hate people sitting next to me needlessly anyway, but even more so in that circumstance! I would have been giving myself a good scrubbing as well. Yuck yuck yuck,

    1. I know, I never understand when people sit next to on the bus when there are plenty of seats available, and then when they are gross it's even worse!! People never cease to amaze me. That's why I prefer animals.

    2. Animals are definitely the best.

  4. YIKES! Hope today is better, girl! blogger acting weird for you?

    1. Not today it isn't, but I had problems last week I can't remember which day. What's happening?


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