Thursday, April 6, 2017

The Best Potato Pancakes Ever

I haven't had any kombucha this week because there were no sales anywhere. So yesterday I treated myself to this Live kombucha. It's one of my absolute favorites. I don't know how in the heck they do it, but it really does taste like root beer! I enjoyed this while waiting for the bus surrounded by a lot of construction going on. Nothing like breathing in fumes from traffic plus a bunch of construction dust!!
When I got home I was super excited to see these tea samples in the mail from Steeped Tea. I got an apple sangria, a berry flavor, and a turmeric spice. I had the turmeric spice this morning when I woke up and it was really tasty!
For dinner I made the most delicious potato pancakes you can ever imagine. I got the recipe from Mrs. Plant, here it is. I used Indian curry powder since I couldn't find Indian chili powder, and I also didn't have frozen peas so I left those out. Next time I will definitely make sure I have peas since they're traditional in samosas. These were so freaking delicious. They were spicy, but not crazy spicy as you can see I added additional spice with a sriracha drizzle. I've now made three recipes from Mrs. Plant and they've all been out of this world delicious. The most amazing thing is getting that crunch on the pancakes with no oil!!
And here's Joan's little tootsies sticking out from under the duvet. Notice that a mouse and crumpled Post-It note are nearby. She's learned to keep her feet or tail poking out so I know she's under there. I've accidentally stepped on her a few times when she's fully covered.


  1. I have a recipe for potato pancakes I've been meaning to try; yours look great! Smart Joan! :) Buttons loves to go under the comforter on the couch and makes a big lump, haha!

    1. I love potato pancakes so much, and the added spices really made these great!
      She is a smart girl, she knows how to avoid getting accidentally stepped on!

  2. Cats are so smart! I've been meaning to branch out with other potato recipes, I'm going to try this one, thanks!

    1. You really should, it is seriously delicious! This is the third recipe of hers I've tried and they've all been amazing!

  3. Oooh those potato pancakes look amazing! It's always fun to try and make one food in a ton of different ways. Looks like this is a great way to eat potatoes! I'm not a root beer fan but I love that there is a root beer kombucha flavor. Sounds like it would be interesting.

    Joan is too cute. I love how she always has a toy near by just in case ;)

    1. Live kombucha makes all kinds of soda flavors, they have cola, a riff on Dr.Pepper, Lemon lime, and a ginger ale which is really good. They also have an orange cream booch which is really great.
      Joan cracks me up because no matter where she is sleeping, there's always a toy very close!

  4. Rootbeer!? Yes, please!!!! YUM!

  5. Kitty feet!
    Those samosa pancakes sound great. I always seem to have difficulty with the pastry when I made traditional samosas, and the potato filling is the best part anyway.

    1. I tried making samosas once, and I had the worst time with the pastry. These are so much easier, and the flavor is definitely there!!


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