Monday, April 24, 2017

Monday Stuff

Please excuse the horrible picture, it's still dark out so the lighting is horrible! But look what I found! Natural Grocers had it. I forgot to show it with my haul because the first thing I did was get it in the freezer when I got home Saturday. I haven't had a bowl yet, but I did taste it before I put it away and it was amazing! Just like I remember pistachio ice cream tasting! They also have a rockiest road which is definitely on my radar! I've been on a live kombucha and NadaMoo! kick lately, and I noticed their both made in Austin, Texas. A YouTuber I like recently went to VegFest in Austin, and she said it reminded her a lot of Portland.
Here's my orange, carrot ginger juice I enjoyed yesterday. The mandarins I got at Trader Joe's are really sweet and juicy. This really hit the spot. I've been drinking smoothies lately, and it was nice to switch it up and have fresh juice.
I had a simple sushi bowl for dinner. I had been craving veggie rolls for the longest time, and Smith's was out of nori wraps, so I just got seaweed snacks and had a bowl. I also forgot to get cucumber, but this avocado was so perfect and creamy it made it all okay. I had tons of wasabi in my soy sauce. I love the burn!
Someone on Instagram posted yesterday that Trader Joe's now sells canned Jackfruit, like the kind you cook with! I am so excited! I didn't see it on Saturday, but I also didn't check for it because I saw it on the gram yesterday morning. I'll definitely be checking next time I go. It's apparently $1.99 a can, which is cheaper than regular groceries, but not cheaper than the Asian market. But, it's a safer, more pleasant travel experience to go to Trader Joe's, so it kind of balances out. Anyway, I really love that Trader Joe's is on top of food trends, even in the vegan world!
I put a fish for cats video on for Roxy. She was interested at first, but then got bored. I guess she prefers bird videos! I often think about getting another Betta fish, but Joan is just too much of a huntress. And also Brutus can be unpredictable. Maybe one day.
Here's a close up of that gorgeous mug. She has the prettiest green eyes, and she definitely knows it!


  1. I'm jealous of the Nada Moo! I can't find it anywhere here - that's not uncommon - as you know - but maybe in 10 years it will FINALLY make it to this area! LOL

    Your bowls are stellar! Keep them comin'!!!!

    And that beautiful orange! That juice looks awesome!

    1. I would say check the Co-Op the next time you're in Erie. They seem to be pretty good about getting the newer stuff in. I hope you can find it, it's sooooo good!

  2. How much is the Nada Moo where you live? There are two places that carry it where I am- Whole Foods ($7) and a small health food store that sells it for $7.60 I figure I rather spend the 60 cents to support a local business. The smaller place had more fun flavors. I think Whole Foods just had chocolate, vanilla, and coconut. Neither have the pistachio which is the one I want the most!

    1. It's $5.99 at Harmons, and $5.49 at Natural Grocers. I haven't checked Sprouts for the price yet, but it's probably in the same range I would guess.
      If you can find the birhday cake cookie dough it's pretty dang amazing!! The plain chocolate is hands down the best chocolate ice cream I've ever had!

    2. So far all I've had is the birthday cake. It was super yummy!

    3. It's so good. I need to track down the Chai!!

  3. Question - do you have a juicer (you know, something that extracts juice and leaves behind a lot of dry pulp) or do you use a blender to make your juices? If so, do you have to add water to make them liquid-y? Obviously, I'm particularly curious about the carrots. Any advice is appreciated. Ta!

    1. I don't have a juicer, I use a blender and a strainer. I use about an inch or so of water, more or less depending on the fruit and veggies I'm using. When I make plain carrot juice I have to use more water than say when I add oranges.

  4. I am loving mandarins at the moment, though I just eat them rather than juice them.

    Austin is pretty amazing. The food is fantastic! But if you don't have access to a car when you visit (I did not) it is terrible to get around in. Not really walkable and very sparse public transport.

    1. I ended up eating a lot of the mandarins. They were too juicy and sweet to juice, really like candy!
      That's too bad that Austin doesn't have better public transportation. I'd love to visit sometime!

  5. Do you have a "new items" section at your Trader Joe's? Like a moth to the flame, I'm drawn to it every time I go there. I saw the jackfruit there but didn't notice the price. What I did notice was all the coffee-infused stuff they have now - coffee glazed almonds and cashews, coffee syrup and coffee flour. I wondered what the heck you can make with that and there was a recipe on the back for mocha brownies. Anybody wanna veganize it and let me know how it turns out, seeing as I have no baking skills? Those green eyes remind me of that 70's song: "Green-eyed lady, lovely lady"...

    1. I will be checking their new items section today for sure! I did see the coffee flour and had no idea what in the heck you would do with it. I will take a look at the recipe today. Since going gluten free I've been leery of trying to bake anything, but it might be worth a shot, mocha brownies sound AMAZING!
      I sing that song to Roxy all the time!!

  6. That juice looks so beautiful! I really need to try juicing in a blender. I saw the jackfruit at Trader Joe's! They are seriously on point with all of their new products! I can't wait for the coconut aminos to come in!

    That sushi bowl looks amazing. I'm pretty sure that is what I'm making for dinner tonight :) Sweet kitty, she really does have the prettiest eyes! How awesome to find vegan pistachio ice cream!

    1. A guy who works at Trader Joe's told me they're also coming out with coconut nectar, which i think is a sweetener like agave. They are really on top of it!
      I can't wait to see if I can find the jackfruit at my Trader Joe's!!


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