Friday, September 23, 2016

Two Hauls for the Price of One

I was looking through my pictures, and I have a Trader Joe's haul from last week when I was on my hiatus, and I picked up a few things at Smith's yesterday too. I can definitely say this, since being on a stricter budget, I'm definitely eating healthier. I better start dropping a few beer pounds soon, between all this healthy eating and extra walking I've been doing! I have noticed a difference in how I feel. I feel fueled, I feel like I'm giving my body what it needs. And I'm continuing to learn ways to save money. I feel like my hauls and also food is a lot more boring, which is a downer, but one day soon I'll be back to trying exciting vegan treats!
Green tea, Pita Bread, Kalamata olives, frozen raspberries, frozen pineapple,pizza dough, coconut milk,frozen edamame
Cucumbers, red lentils, green lentils, tomato paste, lettuce,lemons,bananas, spinach, russet potatoes

The Kalamata olives were a splurge, because I wanted to make a recipe from Isa Does It.  I thought about subbing black olives, but thankfully Trader Joe's is awesome and they weren't too expensive. I made the Olive Lentil Burgers that Caroline from Tea and Sympatico recommended. Caroline, you were so right! They are delicious! Of course lentils are one of my best food friends, and Hello Kalamata olives go GREAT with lentils!
Burgers, not cookies! I made my own breadcrumbs, and they didn't work as well, but these are still an eleven out of ten!

I was going to make a pretty burger on a pita and all that, but the truth is that my first client has required a lot more of my time than I bargained for, and it has been exhausting, lots of walking, like LOTS so these burgers have been eaten plain, with a fork and some mustard. But doesn't that show how delicious they really are? They don't need bread and all the fixins to be delicious!
Smith's haul- green onion, yellow onion,garlic, broccoli, kale, bulk flour, green split peas, raw cashews
Green apples, spaghetti,potato rolls for .49! yogi tea , cauliflower, celery, chocolate chunks
Today is a grey, chilly day. I can hardly believe it's only going to be fifty one degrees! Two days ago it was over ninety! So I'm going to make a big pot of split pea soup. I saw the split peas in the bulk section of Smith's, and I got an intense craving for soup. In Erie, I ate split pea soup for breakfast almost every morning in the winter. I haven't had it since getting out of there. I'm in the mood for warm, comforting soup. A hug in a bowl.
Joan in a box
Afro in a box!

This Petco box is their favorite new thing. They had a sale on litter online, and on Labor Day they offered free shipping, and it ended up saving me money, and strain on my body. I have a walk no matter which bus I catch, and litter can get heavy real easy, especially because I like to buy the big bag and try to avoid the plastic tubs because of the lack of recycling options here. And as you can see, this box is definitely being recycled!
Happy Friday! And second day of fall. (YIKES)
Oh, a little update. In case anyone remembers, I had decided to go back on the potato cleanse. I did stay on it for six days, but decided to not go any longer. I already eat a lot of potatoes, I would say they're my favorite starch for sure. I already feel somewhat restricted by my budget, so it just felt like extra restriction, and I don't like that. I think the potato cleanse was a moment in my life, but the moment has passed, and it can't be recreated. So, that explains the more well rounded haul.


  1. Really glad you like the burgers. We have served them to Omnis and they've loved them too. I made the Goddess noodles on your recommendation- wow so good. I couldn't wait for the leftovers for lunch at work the next day! Hope the dog walking is going well. I guess like anything new there is a learning curve and things crop up you might not have expected. I can't believe the temperature has dropped so fast where you are. I'm in London where it still feels like summer but back up North today where it will definitely be Autumn!

    1. I would definitely make those burgers for omnis! I bet it would be fun to make them into little sliders, and serve to omnis at parties!
      That's how I felt about the Goddess noodles, I couldn't wait for leftovers! As a matter of fact, I got kale so I can make them again this weekend!
      It's going to go back up in temp next week, but not so blisteringly hot. Whew! I enjoyed the cooler day, it was nice to crave soup!

  2. Oh! Those olive lentil burgers are one of my favorite veg burger recipes! I often roll them into balls and then cook since i eat them as snacks or on a salad more than as a proper burger. The 1/4lb beet burgers on the ppk website are another favorite of mine.

    Glad you're feeling good with all the produce and walking- it's totally possible to eat well on a budget without resorting to just potatoes!
    It seems all cats enjoy a good box :))

    1. That's a great idea. I was thinking they'd make great sliders to serve at a party, but little balls would be fun too. They are just so delicious.
      It has to be the perfect box though, I've learned that through trial and error.


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