Thursday, September 8, 2016

Sushi Burritos and Cats!

I had a video on this post, and I have no idea what happened. It disappeared after I posted it? So weird, I've added lots of videos from YouTube before. The first paragraph makes no sense. Please ignore. I have to fix this post when I get home, no time right now. What the heck??
This is another YouTube channel that I love. She veganizes a lot of fast food/restaurant chain kind of food. And although she doesn't eat all vegan junk food, she isn't always going on and on about superfoods, and I don't think I've ever heard her use the words "whole foods plant based", or "clean eating" or anything like that. It's just a fun vegan channel, very positive. I will probably never attempt this myself because I am deathly afraid of deep frying anything, not because of the fat, but because of burning! But this looks like yet another way that I might be able to stomach cauliflower! What I like is the genuine look of pleasure on her husband/boyfriends face when he tastes it! And he is an omnivore!
Me in my head.
I had found this card at Trader Joe's, and I stuck it above my bed, kind of the first of what will become a vision mural, collage, board, whatever you want to call it. She's so happy and joyous hula hooping, and I want to feel that light and joy in my heart. I want to live a full and happy life, where I feel like I am making a positive difference, and where I am putting out good into the world. I'll show more pictures as I build it up.
So thirsty!
Etta and Afro love to drink from the sink. Afro was right next to Etta, but of course as soon as I turned on the camera she jumped down!!
I mean, look at that cuteness!
Here's Joan in the much desired spot by the dishes. It's a good thing I'm the only human in my home with very few dishes, because the cat spot keeps getting bigger and bigger. They used to just like to sit and gaze out the window, but now apparently it's awesome to nap there too!
I had an interview that was not the best interview I've ever had, and on my way home I stopped at Trader Joe's for some frozen strawberries. I saw this ginger turmeric tea, and I had to get it. I try to add turmeric at least once a day in something I eat, and this seemed like a great way to get some extra. I really notice a difference in how I feel when I go without turmeric. Two things I have done that have greatly improved my health are lemon water in the morning, and turmeric once a day, at least.
I made sushi burritos for dinner last night. They are much easier than sushi rolls, more user friendly. I was going to bake some tofu, but I decided to go the veggies only route.
Simple carrot and cucumber rolls. I didn't have any wasabi, so I just made another sauce with gochujang paste.
I did get an Email from someone yesterday about dog walking, and they seem legit!! It seems they're getting a puppy, and will need someone to walk it four to five times a week. I am so excited! My flyers, or postcards should be coming on Monday, and then it's on. I know a lot of houses in my neighborhood with dogs, and also I always see people walking their dogs early morning, so it will be so easy to hand out a card. People in Salt Lake City are probably friendlier than any place I've ever lived, so I feel totally comfortable doing it!
Today I'm off to find a library. And also a bishop. To apply at Deseret Industries, the thrift store I was talking about, you have to have a referral from a bishop of the church. So, today should be interesting to say the least. I'm going to put my camera in my purse right away so I don't forget. I bet the library is a really beautiful old building. I see so many gorgeous old brick houses here, but I don't know if it's weird to take pictures of peoples houses.
Happy Thursday!


  1. Dog Walking seems like a great thing to do on so many levels!!!! Those Sushi Rolls look great! The kitties are cute as always!

    1. I've been wanting to be my own boss, and be a dog walker for sooo long, I hope I can make it happen!!

  2. Fingers crossed about the puppy people and also with the Bishop. Love the hula hoop card. I have a weighted one at home and I do enjoy it. I just had a great funny image of you using one in your living room and the cats all going crazy jumping up to grab it as it whizzes round!

    1. They would be the absolute worst with a hula hoop! I'm dying just thinking about it!!

  3. Sending positive vibes your way about getting dog clients for your dog walking career. I've often thought that would be a fun way to earn a living. Best of luck. Love all your kitty pictures.

    1. I am going to do everything in my power to make it happen. It seems like so much fun, and also an added bonus of all the extra exercise!

  4. Hope your search for the library goes well! How exciting about possibly having a dog walking client soon! :)

    1. Well, I got lost but in the end I found it. I am so excited, you don't even know. All I need is that first client, then they have a friend/relative/coworker who needs someone, and then it all falls into place. When I was a nanny, I always had moms trying to borrow me, or in some cases poach me. I am going to pass out my cards to EVERYONE with a dog!!!

  5. I hope the interview went well for the thrift store! I've been wanting to try one of those sushi burritos. I shared the photo/story of your kitties napping next to your clean dishes with my husband. He thought that was pretty cute.

    1. I have to get a "referral" from a bishop at one of the many mormon churches first. You won't even get an interview without one. When I tried to go to two churches, the doors were locked?! So, I'll probably go tomorrow when I know the doors won't be locked.
      Sushi burritos are the best. You can really fill them up unlike sushi!

    2. Oh I see. I thought the bishop was going to interview you... but I guess that is kind-of what the referral is.

    3. The bishop has to give you a referral or they won't give you an interview at the thrift store. But you're right, I'm sure the Bishop kind of pre-screens the people. I have to be honest, it makes me a little uneasy. But I guess it makes sense in some weird way since it is a church driven business?


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