Monday, September 26, 2016

Tea Time

Between my depressed hiatus and last week being really busy, I forgot to mention that I have started reviewing teas as a guest reviewer at Sororitea Sisters!Jennifer from My Blissful Journey invited me to do a guest review, and I really enjoy it. For most of my life I was a serious coffee addict. I'm surprised I didn't OD on caffeine at certain points in my life. When I kicked the habit about five or maybe more years ago, I started really enjoying tea. I went off coffee cold turkey, and just switched to green tea, and then learned about yerba mate, Chai, etc. Now, I still have a nice comforting warm beverage in the morning, and I still get a little caffeine, but I'm not wired and severely addicted. Anyway, I was pleasantly surprised on Saturday when I came home to find a little box of tea waiting for me by my door.
Coconut flan? Caramel walnut shortbread? I'm so excited to try all of these exotic, fancy teas. I wish I could afford to buy all of the really nice, higher end teas but that's just never been my life. Like Yogi tea is a splurge, ha ha.
You can see the whole cardamom pods in the Chai on the right. I am so excited. I bet it will blow all other Chai tea far away!
These teas came in this pretty little box! Like I could not feel any fancier if I tried! I tried a Chai mix this morning that was a powder, and it was actually vegan! Most Chai powder mixes I've seen have milk. It was seriously amazing, as was the  Matcha with coconut! I'll be writing reviews for those later today. It's so awesome getting to do this!
The job search continues, I had an interview last week, and I have one this week so I am soldiering on. I've passed out almost all of my cards for dog walking, so I have hopes on that end as well.
There are some crows that have been flying around and hanging out on the side of my apartment. Needless to say it is a huge hit around here. Roxy was hanging in the window in my bedroom. She's Ms. Independent.
That's a school in the background of the picture. Yes, I live that close to an Elementary School!
Happy Monday!


  1. So excited you are reviewing with us!!! Can't wait to see more of your reviews!!!!! We have so much more to share as long as you are willing to keep reviewing :)

    1. I'm really enjoying it. Some of these teas have blown my mind!

  2. You'll make a great reviewer because you really manage to get people enthused about stuff. I've always been a huuuuge tea fan so I'm looking forward to discovering new tea from your reviews.

    1. Thanks!Some of these teas are beyond what I ever thought tea could be. I just made a matcha latte with this coconut matcha powder that is maybe my favorite matcha ever!

  3. Wow, love the sound of those teas! I will have to check out the site. I thought of you when I was in London last week and my friend and I visited a fancy tea shop. We tried lots of samples including some vegetable teas made with things like beetroot and spinach! Good luck with the interview, everything crossed! xxx

    1. There is a tea company called Numi(?) that had savory teas. I never tried them because they were pretty pricey, and I wasn't sure if I would like them, but I'm definitely interested. Did you like them?

    2. They were nice and done as iced teas. I did see the Numi teas at a decent price in TK Maxx last year but I wasn't brave enough!

    3. They were nice and done as iced teas. I did see the Numi teas at a decent price in TK Maxx last year but I wasn't brave enough!

  4. Those teas sound so nice! I love fancy teas.
    I recently bought a slight savoury tea that has rooibos, broccoli and beetroot. Which attracted me because it just sounds so silly, but is actually very nice.

    1. I've seen a few savory teas. I wondered how my brain and taste buds would react to savory tea. I'm just so used to tea being more on the sweet side.

  5. I really want to try that blue lotus chai! I miss the connivence of powder chai teas. I never make chai tea properly when I have loose leaves.

    1. The Blue Lotus is sooooo good! When you stir the water in, it froths up like a latte before you've even added any plant milk. I seriously am loving these teas. I've tried so many different Chais. I seriously recommend the Blue Lotus. It's the only powdered Chai that's vegan that I know of.


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