Wednesday, September 14, 2016

This and That

It's been awhile since I've posted anything from Cenk, and I thought this was perfect. As it's getting closer to the election, I'm feeling more and more scared. I still remember when this whole travesty started, I never believed Trump would have made it this far. I would ask what's wrong with us, but I lived in Erie PA. so that question has already been answered.
This was a smoothie I had yesterday with raspberries, strawberries, banana and believe it or not a big handful of spinach. It's funny how the raspberries seem to cancel out the green.
I had my old friend oven fries for dinner. I find that if I don't have oven fries at least once a week, something feels off. Lately I've been loving spicing them with curry, garlic and turmeric, and dipping them in sweet chili sauce. Such a good combination!
I'm going to take a few days off from blogging. I'm having a hard time, and I'm having a hard time keeping things positive. I wish I could be rich for just one day so I could hire a private investigator to find Chunk, Animal and Scrappy. I just want to know how they are. Not knowing is killing me. I worry that they're lonely. Lots of people adopt cats who are hardly ever home, just because they want companionship for the few hours they're home.  Those three were never alone, and it just makes me so sad. I suppose it's always the not knowing. Between my sadness and this job thing, I am having a tough time keeping it positive. If I didn't have my remaining cats, I would be packing a bag and going for a life of being a vagabond. I don't know how many more fake smiles I can muster when applying for jobs that make me want to shrivel up and die. I don't know how many more times I can smile and answer "tell me why we should hire you". When it's a shit job. I feel sad, scared, and small. Sometimes life just doesn't let positive affirmations and meditation do their thing. So, I don't want to be inauthentic on this blog, but I also don't want to have this be a downer of a blog. So, I'm going to just try to get a grip, and hope that maybe something amazing happens. At this point, I'll settle for a ho hum event happening. Also, since I'm doing the potato cleanse, my food for the next few days will be pretty boring anyway. I do also want to say thank you for all the support and kind word, it is so appreciated.
Happy Wednesday!


  1. Although I'm sure Chunk, Animal and Scrappy are learning to adjust to their new lives and doing well, I might suggest you contact the shelter and see if they can get a message to their new parents on your behalf.

    Many rescue groups/animal shelters keep records of the adopters, so you may be able to reach out to them and ask if they would pass a message onto whoever adopted Chunk, Animal and Scrappy. I know when we adopted out cat, Charlie, the shelter gave the elderly lady our phone number (because we allowed it) and she was able to call and thank us for taking in her cat (who she could no longer keep because she went into a nursing home).

    Keep your chin up. I think you're receiving a lot of positive energy from out here so hopefully that helps.

    1. I sent an Email when I first got here, and never heard back. I'll try again. I don't want to bug anyone, I just need to know how they are. And see if they're happy. I bet they miss everyone soo much, and It's really hurting me.

  2. Of course he doesn't want a moderator! I didn't feel the moderators did their job(s) in the primaries! They let him interrupt, not stay on topic, and call people names, all while NOT saying 1 thing he would actually DO if he were elected! Ridiculous! OYE! He drives me crazy!

    1. He drives me insane too. It's getting so scary!

  3. Big hug my friend. The job hunting must be so stressful and I know you really miss the others. Trying to send all the good vibes I can. Please let us know if people can still donate to the Go Fund Me. I'm sure everyone will be happy to send a bit of change your's and the kittie's way whilst you are still job hunting. xxx

    1. Everything is really getting to me. Keeping my chin up is just harder some days.

  4. Sending very big hugs and much love. <3 <3 <3

  5. Sending lots of hugs & thinking good thoughts for you!

  6. I know your goal is to ultimately start your own business, but this might be something to look into in the meantime. Salary isn't the greatest ($11 per hour), but at least you'd be working with animals and maybe you can get experience, references and contacts. Just a thought.

    1. Thanks so much, I'll look into that. I've checked dog walking and pet sitting companies before, but they always require you to have a car, every single one, but maybe this one will be different?!

  7. I'm sure your sick of hearing from me, but I'm currently helping my brother-in-law find warehouse work here in CT, so I'm on Indeed all day long, so I keep checking stuff in SLC and I found several PetSmart salon jobs. The bather positions (see link below) is the first step to a Pet Stylist position and there seems to be several openings in SLC. This might be a good way to make connections for the ultimate goal - your dog walking service and, in the meanwhile, you'd be working with animals. I don't know if that appeals to you (or if you have any objections to PetSmart) but it's worth a try, maybe. Incidentally, I'm excellent at resume polishing, so if you'd like me to take a look at yours, I'd love to. I've helped quite a few friends and relatives with that sort of thing and it's something I quite enjoy. Take care.


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