Saturday, August 22, 2015

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

I just watched this video and had to share! Look at the muscles on everyone! No skinny, pale vegans here. Robert Cheeke is in the video! I love that tons of people will see this, see that you can get enough protein and everything else on a vegan diet. Especially in the bodybuilding world, where it's protein is so heavily promoted. I especially love the eighty year old who still enjoys bodybuilding! It really shows how eating healthy, and keeping strong keep you young, no plastic surgery needed!
I want to apologize again for the BBQ debacle. I want people to feel like they can trust what I say, and I know for myself if another vegan recommends something, I don't feel a need to recheck labels. This was an unfortunate(very unfortunate for me, I ate some!) oversight, and all I can do is learn from this, and slow down and read, not skim ingredient lists.
Happy Saturday!


  1. Over at The Raw Food World NEWS site they have been highlighting a slew of athletes and celebrities that have made the switch. It's great to see!

    1. It is sooo great to see! And how many people look up to athletes!

  2. BBQ??? What did I miss?? I will keep reading perhaps I haven't gotten caught up yet :)

    1. I talked up a BBQ sauce, and somehow I had missed that it had anchovies in it!


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