Monday, November 30, 2015

Tapenade Dahling!

I thought this is a hilarious picture for a Monday. You see, Chunk decided to help me gather ingredients for my green juice! Chunk likes to be involved in ever single task that is done in the kitchen. I know some people would cringe at the sight of an animal in the fridge, or on kitchen counters, but that just doesn't bother me. I remember as a kid every adult ever yelling at me for letting the dogs have licks of my ice cream cone. I never ever understood why it was considered gross. Two seconds after I snapped this picture, the cauliflower, apples, and some lemons all came rolling out of the fridge. He is so cute, but he's no ballerina.
I've been really loving having a Trader Joe's pizza dough in my fridge at all times. Homemade pizza dough is super easy to make, but it does take some planning with all of the rest and rise time. The dough at Trader Joe's is inexpensive, easy to work with, tasty, vegan, and has normal ingredients. Last night I didn't want to do a lot of cooking, but I also didn't want to rely on a freezer meal either. So, pizza time it is! All you have to do is let the dough rest at room temperature for twenty minutes, roll it out, and top it however you like! Last night I put some coconut herb Chao slices down, and then covered that with some green olive tapenade also from Trader Joe's, garlic, white beans, and crushed red pepper. The Chao and tapenade kind of become one, and it was creamy, and sharp. The tapenade has almost a bitter taste, and I mean that in a good way. They use good olives, with a strong flavor. White beans were the perfect topper. They add a creamy texture, and a neutral flavor so the tapenade is the star!
The cold leftovers made a really tasty breakfast too! Tapenade is really good stirred into warm pasta with a little nutritional yeast. I guess like an olive pesto, except with no nuts. And since the olive flavor is so strong, it doesn't take a lot. Plus, it's a fun fancy word to say! I feel like I should have a satin lacey robe, and kitten heel slippers while serving Tapenade. By the way, no anchovies were harmed or used in this tapenade!
Happy Monday!


  1. Gotta LOVE the personalities of our furkids, eh!? LOL
    The Tapenade sounds great!

    1. I know! I feel about Chunk like you said about Cricket, it's hard for me to stay mad for too long!

  2. That is a fancy sounding pizza!

    My cat has climbed into the fridge only once, that I know of. We kind-of yelled at her to get out, mostly because she is a little bit of a clutz, and there wasn't any space for her anyways. XD

    1. That's pretty much the issue with Chunk. And he makes himself fit in spaces where there is no room, and it just becomes a series of crash, boom clatter!

  3. Again you have inspired me to try combining different things from my cupboard and fridge. I've always been a by the cookbook person, so this is new territory for me.

    1. It's really fun to throw some things together that sound good, and have it turn out as tasty as you imagined. The problem is, it sometimes is hard to recreate the dish, cause you just threw it together! Good luck experimenting!


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