Friday, June 29, 2018

Some More Food

We are only a few weeks into summer and it's already been brutal here in SLC. Upper nineties and one hundred plus temps and it only gets much much worse in July and August. In addition to it being so hot it's just so dry which is what gets me the most. Growing up in the Midwest and then living so many years in Seattle I've heard over and over and then over again how it's the humidity that makes it unbearable, and dry heat is about like being on a vacation! Well, I have to agree to disagree with those people. I have now experienced dry heat and wet heat? Either way I find dry heat to be so much more unbearable. It just sucks the moisture right on out of you, and no matter how much water you drink and coconut oil you use on your skin you're just always parched. I don't know how I scored it but I am so so so grateful that my apartment has air conditioning and utilities are included in my rent!!
I keep forgetting to take pictures of my smoothies. I feel like I need to prove that I get fruits and veggies and color in because so many of my meals have been beige lately! But I have been having smoothies and juices every day!
I had avocado burgers instead of toast the other day for breakfast/lunch. I used the griller burgers from Sprouts. I really like these. Sprouts actually makes two of my favorite veggie burgers, the spicy chicken and now the Griller. I sprinkled the avocado with the South African smoke seasoning from Trader Joe's.  I am green dragon sauce level obsessed with this stuff. It's like I'm planning meals around this seasoning!
This was my dinner the other night. I made a broth with gochujang, garlic, nori and water and added cabbage and shredded carrots, baked tofu and super thin rice noodles. I did add too much nori so it was a little too fishy for my taste, but still tasty. This was a night when I needed a brothy bowl of noodles!
I made some mayocoba beans for burritos, but last night burritos seemed like too much work. I would have to make rice, and roll and blah blah blah. So I went with lazy and made quesadillas with the beans and some vegan shreds. Dipped in green dragon sauce. These were delicious! Mayocoba beans have definitely become one of my favorite beans. Hopefully tonight I'll make that burrito!

I stopped at my coworkers place on my way to work the other day and her pup made himself at home on my bag. He could smell all the fur love! He wouldn't let me take a picture of his sweet face. I didn't force it because I can relate!


  1. OMG puppy adorableness!! How sweet!! Your meals all look seriously incredible, I'm especially loving the soup/broth meal. The quesadillas look really amazing too. So many delicious meals!

    Stay cool! That sounds so awful. It's supposed to be 98 here tomorrow and I have no intentions of leaving the house except to go to Trader Joe's at the crack of dawn before it gets too hot.

    1. I love a bowl of brothy noodles! And quesadillas are one of my favorite meals!
      I try to get my errands done as early as possible too. Stay cool!!!

  2. So sorry to hear about how hot it is by you; it's hot and humid here, and as much as I hate the humidity, I believe you that a dry heat would be even worse! Your soup bowl looks like a great dinner, though, and oh my goodness, what a cute little pup! :D

    1. I swear all my life I've heard complaints about humidity and that dry heat is so much easier to handle. How it feels ten degrees cooler in dry heat. I always believed it but it's not true! Everything is so dry and parched and just DRY!!!
      The puppy is the cutest!!!

  3. I am baffled and painfully jealous your rent includes utilities! That is really amazing!
    It’s been painfully hot in nyc lately too, i’m finally finding good watermelon so there’s a lot of watermelon and cucumbers in my life lately.
    The avocado burger patties sound tasty! I need to look for that seasoning again, I haven’t had it for a long time since i keep buying the Everything seasoning (which is delicious on watermelon btw). The tofu soup bowl looks so good!

    1. I have no idea how I lucked out with that one!!! I swear it's made life so much easier and of course cheaper!! I really don't know if I'll ever leave! I need to buy more watermelon. It's so quenching.
      The smoke seasoning is so amazing. I swear I've been putting it on everything!!!

  4. Such a shy pupper!

    I agree with you 100% about dry heat being worse. It is like I can feel my skin shrinking a dehydrating on my body, and it is so not good. Humid heat is gross in its own way, but I would take it over dry any day.


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