Friday, June 8, 2018

Friday Stuff

I bought organic kale at Sprouts for a dish I wanted to make at the time, but yesterday it wasn't what I wanted and the kale needed to be used so I went old school and made kale chips! I haven't made kale chips since I lived in Seattle. I never buy kale chips because the price is ridiculous and just not in my budget. These were a really delicious snack while cleaning my apartment.
I made chili lime rubbed tofu from Appetite for Reduction by Isa Chandra Moskowitz. First you dip the tofu in this lime juice soy sauce mixture, and then you kind of sprinkle on the chili seasoning. It turned out amazing! You can taste the lime and the chili really well. Tofu really is a sponge!! I would definitely make this for tofu skeptics. I also roasted some potatoes with similar flavors and stuffed it all into these gorgeous purple shells I got at Sprouts. They are corn and wheat tortillas so I'm cheating with some gluten but they were on sale and I couldn't resist that color!! I also doused my tacos with green dragon sauce. This was a really tasty dinner. And I felt all fancy with the purple tacos!
The sad news of Anthony Bourdain's passing has really hit me like a ton of bricks. He inspired me to cook and love food and to be curious, and always learn. His wit and desire to learn are what I loved best about watching him and also reading his words. The world is way less snarky today.  We never know what the person in front of you is going through, and no matter how someone appears on the outside, it could be a total mess on the inside. I read a tweet sent by Tom Colicchio that said this- " RIP doubtful doubtful. Tony's restless spirit will roam the earth in search of justice, truth and a great bowl of noodles." I feel like nothing is closer to the truth.


  1. Your photo of the purple tortilla, with the orange tofu/potatoes and bright green cilantro is so colorful and gorgeous! Right out of a cookbook.

    1. Thank you so much! I just love the tortillas so much!

  2. Anthony Bourdain's suicide hit me really hard. I know that many vegans were not fond of him based on some comments he made and his diet but I look at the work that he did for humans and it was inspiring. He was smart, an incredibly talented writer and above all he had a hunger to learn about ALL cultures and to give people a voice that would never otherwise have one. He showed us the world in a very raw way and I see his death as a huge loss.

    I've said this over many platforms but I think it is so important to say it as many places as possible. Mental illness does not discriminate. It doesn't care what race or gender you are. It doesn't care how wealthy or famous you are. It affects everyone and everyone deserves compassion and empathy and it is why we truly need to spread awareness about mental illness and get rid of the stigma. How many people have to die before it is recognized as a problem that requires attention?

    1. I've seen some vegans say some pretty disgusting and disturbing things about his death. I find it sick and absolutely can't relate to that line of thinking.

  3. Your purple taco shells make it all look so fancy!

    I knew who Anthony Bourdain was, though didn't know too much about him. Sadly it is only since his passing that I have found out more about the work that he did.

    I agree so much with Sarah above. Anyone can struggle with mental illness, it doesn't matter how together you look from the outside.

    1. I know! I want to use them all the time because they're so stinking pretty!
      I agree with you both!

  4. Those sounds like fantastic tacos, i love those half corn half flour tortillas since all corn tortillas just break no matter what i do.

    Very shocking and upsetting news about anthony bourdain, i always felt like what you saw was what you got, that he wasn’t someone else when the camera turned off, and i admire that.

    1. This was my first time using corn and flour tortillas and I really like it. You're right, they're more flexible and also I think they taste better!
      I felt the same way about Anthony Bourdain. It'd just so incredibly sad.


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