Saturday, June 2, 2018

Boo to Bu

I stopped at Natural grocers the other day for some Epsom salts and a big booch and I saw this new to me booch on sale for $1.99 a bottle! How could I resist? I was torn between honeydew and tangerine. I'm somewhat picky about my booch, and I have a few brands I like and I prefer to stick to them because it's expensive, and I hate forcing myself to drink something gross. I don't like my booch with any floating scoby, I will gag. Scoby floaties are my spider/rodent whatever makes people scream and jump on tables. I also don't like super dry booch. Although I don't prefer super sweet, if I had to choose I'd rather it be a little too sweet than too dry. This booch isn't too dry or too sweet but it was just flat. Dull. I almost wanted it to be too dry, or have a floaty just so I could have some excitement. It wasn't very fizzy, wasn't very sweet or flavorful, an had a super weird smell that was a real turn off. I forced myself to drink a little over half, and after three hours I tapped out and down the drain it went. Definitely will not be trying the other flavors.

I struggle cooking quinoa. I use to struggle with rice too. I've mastered white rice the normal way in a pot with a lid, and a few years ago I read an article that said to boil brown rice like pasta for thirty minutes, drain and then cover and let steam for fifteen minutes. Since switching to that method I always have fluffy perfect brown rice. I always crave quinoa when I see it on other blogs but mine always comes out soggy or still a little crunchy. So the other day I decided to cook quinoa the brown rice way. I boiled it for a little less than fifteen minutes and let it steam for fifteen. It was fluffy as fluffy can be. It looked like the perfect quinoa I see all over the interwebz.
I decided to get frozen mango as my fruit for smoothies this week. Since I tend to eat beige food so often on the nights that I work I feel like I need my smoothies to be vibrant green to balance. Berries mask the green. I know it souns weird but I just feel the need to see the greens!
Coconut is the one flavor of cashewgurt that I hadn't tried yet. When I saw this on clearance I couldn't resist. Plus, I was hangry and going to work. I have been avoiding these single plastic cups, but $.93!! It is really tasty like all the other flavors I've tried. This made me think of coconut cream pie. Yum.
The grass is still growing!! I haven't killed it yet! Mine is more sparse than the picture, but that's totally my fault because I didn't plant enough seeds. I wasn't sure how many to put in each compartment. Like I said, black thumb. But I'm going to try and sneak some more in. So far I've seen two kitties snacking away so I call this a success!


  1. Hahaha, i am SO with you on the baby scoby in kombucha- but my homemade stuff the bottles allllways get one! Supposedly a good sign but i still have to pour the booch into a glass and make sure to ditch the baby scoby.
    Total bummer the Bu bottle was so crummy! Some brands add carbonation (like GTS) and others don’t (like Healthade) so it’s a bunmer thinking you’re getting something you’re not.
    I’m impressed the grass is growing! Black thumb over here too :)

  2. Yay for fluffy quinoa; I was so happy when mine turned out well during last Vegan MoFo! And the grass looks like it's coming along great! :)

  3. Yey yogurt sales! I was going to tag you on instagram like a month or two ago when I found some forager's lemon yogurt on sale for 50 cents each! I bought I think 12, but it all went to my kid XD

    I have to try that quinoa method. My grain book does suggest boiling method for cooking whole grains. They say it cooks more evenly.


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