Monday, June 18, 2018

Monday Monday

Yesterday morning I took the time to whip up a red lentil and potato curry before work. That way all I had to do was make rice and warm the curry after work. I also packed some up for a coworker. He mentioned the other day that he's never had  curry!! That is not living in my opinion.

This is one of my favorite meals of all time. Not only is it delicious, quick and easy, it's also one of the cheapest meals ever! My coworker loved it too! Vegan food for the win!
Funny story about where I work. I know I've mentioned over and over that the store I work in is very old school. Produce is all the way in the far back corner as if it's something to be ashamed of.  And it's shocking how little produce we actually sell. Some days I wonder why we bother. Since I've started working there we have gotten a few new vegan items and I always love seeing people with gardein in their cart. So the other day I was SHOCKED to see vegan mochi being sold right in the front of the store by the cash registers. With a huge vegan af sticker to boot!!! Here's where it gets hilarious. The next day when I got to work the vegan af stickers were gone. Apparently the president of the company found it to be not family friendly. First of all, I live right next door to an elementary school. I hate to break it to everyone but small children know a lot more than you think. And second of all, the amount of food waste and plastic use in addition to the fact that we DON'T RECYCLE is enough to make me gag. But that's all behind the scenes. Also, the low wages to the point where one cashier I work with who is a single mom is on public assistance because she Doesn't make enough to pay bills and FEED HER FAMILY. I could actually rant on and on but I won't. I fantasize about being a real journalist and writing a scathing expose on what is really going on behind the scenes in grocery world. Regardless of the BLINDING hypocrisy of that decision, I am super happy to see something so proudly vegan being sold front and center at such a standard grocery store. And A LOT of people have been buying them. Woot!
If you look really closely on the tree you can see a little squirrel. It was so cute this morning he or she chatted with the kitties and I for a good five minutes. They had a lot to say. I know my girls love being surrounded by trees!


  1. SQUIRREL! That is cute, I wonder what they were all chatting about? ;)

    1. I wonder what they were saying too! This squirrel usually chats a little bit, but yesterday was a chat-a-thon!

  2. Aww kitty paws with your quote, I LOVE!! That's amazing about the vegan mochi, I wish I could try some! I love mochi but I'm picky about flavors but it looks like they have some yummy ones! It's too bad they didn't save the stickers for you, those would have been awesome!

    1. I love that quote too. And the fuzzy toes make it so much better!
      You're right, it would have been cool to have those stickers.

  3. Omfg i can just imagine some kid asking “mommy? What does ‘vegan AF’ mean...??” Ha! Totally awesome that they have it and even more awesome it’s popular!

  4. I guess it is the AF part that wasn't family friendly? I thought that was a little edgy for your area. I wish I had those mochi! I see the ice cream mochi at Whole Foods and none are vegan. It makes me sad! T__T I know Trader Joe's has some, but I just one as a little snack, you know? But that is pretty awesome!

    "Produce is all the way in the far back corner as if it's something to be ashamed of"
    Does that grocery store know that by putting the produce in the front it usually means people spend more one groceries overall?! That is why every grocery store does that!


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