Monday, June 21, 2021

The Ridiculous Cost of Plant Meats, Flat Water Kefir and the New Pink Sweater!


Another Simple Truth find, although this one is terrifying to me. It looks like long worms which I have an unreasonable fear of. I found this right next to the Beyond and Impossible, which are right next to regular beef. I didn't buy it, but there is yet ANOTHER beef substitution out there. My problem with the never ending market of plant meats is the cost. I've started and deleted so many posts talking about this, because I don't want to shame people for having more money, or be a negative Nelly trying to bring plant meats down. But every time I go to Sprouts there is a new plant meat, and each is more expensive than the last. We like to tell ourselves it's great, more choices! Easy accessibility for everyone. Except it isn't. It's easily accessible to those who can afford it. But how much are these helping the animals really? The bottom line is a lot of people are on tight budgets, live paycheck to paycheck like me. Some of these plant meats are a third or more of my weekly budget. And I'm just me, if I have a family, especially hungry teenagers, there's just no way. I actually haven't gotten the protein question in years, when it comes up that I'm vegan the first question is always the cost. "How do I afford it" "Isn't is expensive" "I could never afford to go vegan" and on and on. And of course beans, rice, pasta and potatoes are cheap, but non vegans who have been eating more of the SAD diet are most likely going to want some plant meats for at least the transition. And if you can't afford something there's not much else to say. Sorry to start out my post this way, but I do feel like there isn't enough discussion in this community about the ridiculous cost of these items. 

Remember that weird, too mustard-y cheese sauce I had? Well, I tried some in a baked potato with a little Buffalo sauce and I loved it! The mustard wasn't as strong in a potato for some reason. At least I have a way to use it now!

I'm struggling with my water kefir brewing. I'm having a hard time making it fizzy. After I make the water kefir, I add some juice for flavoring and let it sit for another twenty four to forty eight hours and it's supposed to get fizzy. Mine is flat as flat can be. It's still okay, but it's not what I wanted. I need that fizz! Does anyone have any suggestions? 

This was an impulse buy at Trader Joe's. It's only $1.99 a container, which is a steal for prepackaged hummus! It's really not that spicy, but since I have a high spice tolerance, I had a spice sensitive coworker try it and they agreed, it has a tiny kick but definitely not blow your face off spicy.

Falafel pita with all the fixins including the spicy hummus!

Same meal, just salad form. So good!!

Last week my stomach was a wreck from anxiety so I had to make some coconut red lentil dal. This is what my body craves when I'm really feeling the need for a hug.

I think we have a new pink sweater! I bought some used jeans at a thrift store to make cut offs, and the kittens have voted, the legs stay! They really help me stay on track with reducing, reusing and recycling!!!


  1. The cost of plant meats is just ridiculous! The roasts, sausages and all that other stuff is just unaffordable especially when cooking for more than one person. Also all that organic, green clothing! The prices are terribly high. Sometimes it seems that green living and veganism are mainly for those who can afford it and the rest have to feel guilty for not being able to keep up!

    1. I definitely feel that way, especially when it comes to green, sustainable fashion. I definitely can't afford it, and always feel guilty. And there is a lot of shaming when it comes to all that stuff and I hate it.

  2. I've had that Emerge, and it's pretty good. Not as good as Beyond, but I liked it. But you're right — plant meats and cheese are way too pricy. It's frustrating!!

    I've never made kefir, but one thing I've found that helps my booch is adding pineapple on the second ferment. For some reason, pineapple makes it way more fizzy than other fruits. Maybe try pineapple?? So cool that you're brewing kefir!! Have you heard of shrub? It's a fermented fruit drink, and I've got some going on the counter now. Trying it tonight!!

    1. I haven't tried pineapple, but now I will! My kefir tastes good, but I need that fizz!!
      I haven't heard of shrub. Can't wait to hear how it turns out!

  3. I want to have that discussion! We all need to have a discussion about:
    1. How meat, eggs, and dairy are subsidized by the government so costs are kept artificially low, making people believe that meat is cheaper to produce than it actually is (and making people make less good choices than they should be able to make, just based on the nature of the market)
    2. How demand SHOULD make prices go down, and doesn't really seem to do that, so much as it increases demand for more expensive things for some reason

    I allowed myself a kind of absurd budget when I first went vegan because I didn't want to feel deprived, but I think these days I pay a lot less than I used to. But people really can't be expected to do that if they can't. There are not easy solutions here, but I'd like the government to subsidize vegetables as a start!

    1. One of my biggest frustrations is that we're always told that when demand goes up, that will bring the prices down, but it seems to be the opposite! I remember years ago the farmer's market had such cheap, cheap prices and it was a great thing for everyone, but especially people on a tight budget. And I watched as they got trendier and trendier the prices kept going up, and I can't remember the last time I've been to one!

  4. I also agree that the high prices of processed vegan foods is ridiculous. It is a real turnoff and boggles my mind with all the competition nowadays. Your food and (flat) kefir look really yummy. I also love TJ’s eggplant hummus and *think* it is the same price point as the spicy. Hope the renovations are winding down....

    1. That's the annoying thing, each new product is more expensive than the last!
      I love the eggplant hummus too! I think it's around the same price. All of their hummus is pretty fairly priced really.
      They're still working on the one underneath me. But the leaky drain is fingers crossed fixed, so at least they aren't trudging in and out of my apartment!

  5. We had really good luck with water kefir using dates or other dried fruit (unsulfured( in addition to some sugar. Blackstrap molasses was the best but not a true vegan sugar is the issue since most sugar processing is not completely vegan from what I understand. Our 'grains' would double in size. Then we would pour it in swing top bottles with some juice for flavor for another 24 hours and they got pretty fizzy.

    1. I did read something about molasses. I found this organic sugar somewhere really cheap, maybe a dollar store? Anyway, it says vegan on the front.
      I did the juice for flavoring, and let it sit out for another twenty four hours, and still no fizz!!
      My grains didn't really double in size. I wonder if I got a bad batch?

    2. I think minerals are the key so in addition to sugar, add a little dried fruit or sea salt, etc may help them. If you have a few raisins or chop a dried fruit during the first ferment it gets nice and bubbly. I'm not an expert so good luck. We have pretty warm climate so may need to let it sit 2 days before adding the juice? We drink without bubbles too, almost tastes like tea..

    3. I'm definitely going to try dried fruit! Thank you for your tips and suggestions. It's not bad without the bubbles, but it's just that I crave the bubbles. The Synergy water kefir is so fizzy and that's what I'm trying for!

  6. I agree that plant meats and other traditionally animal based alternatives are far too expensive. I am lucky that I am able to buy and try things for fun fairly regularly (my coconut fat intolerance certainly helps keep things under control for me as there are a lot of expensive things I just can't risk buying), but the cost really puts it beyond a lot of people. Especially if you need to cook for a family.

    Cats are so funny! All hail the cut off jean legs!! Does anyone still use the pink sweater? Or has it been forgotten in the excitement?

    1. Every single morning it's a rush to see who will get the pink sweater! Sometimes it's Etta, sometimes it's Bubba. If it's Etta, then usually Kiki and Roxy will fight for some space for a cuddle. It's just like a permanent part of my bedroom decor at this point!


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