Thursday, June 24, 2021

Rambly, Vegan What I Ate!

 I was cleaning my refrigerator yesterday and and tried to use up a few things that I don't love, so they got shoved to the back and need to be used. That led to me deciding to do a What I Ate post strongly featuring lentils!

I wanted lentil soup for breakfast, and I have this vegan pesto from Sprouts that I don't love, along with half a jar of red sauce, and some frozen gnocchi from Trader Joe's I'm also not crazy about. So, I cooked some lentils, drained them and then simmered them with red sauce, garlic water to thin it out and the gnocchi. When the gnocchi were done I put it in a bowl with nooch and added a dollop of the pesto. For having two things I don't love, this was actually pretty tasty!

Carrot, Orange and ginger juice!

I found these on the clearance rack Tuesday! The carton was banged up so they taped it and marked it way down. The cans inside are fine. I had several of these yesterday!

Afternoon Delight!

I don't love coconut water, but this pineapple flavored coconut water is my choice when I do have it. Sometimes it's just so freaking dry here that I really feel like I'm losing my mind, and sometimes I'll have a coconut water. Not sure if it really helps, but i feel like it does so that's all that matters!

Not in my fridge, but I found this with my spices and had forgotten all about it! I've never had jerk anything, other than dating them. ( I could not resist!!!) I decided to try my hand at jerk marinated tofu for dinner. 

I made a marinade with soy sauce, lime juice, some of the jerk seasoning and garlic. I let it marinade for a couple of hours and baked it till it got that nice chewy texture I love. While the tofu was baking I made a turmeric lentil and coconut rice. This meal was so tasty, and I now can say I love a littler jerk in my food! New flavors and spices are always so fun!

I had a lemonade citrus pop for dessert. These are so freaking good, I love all the flavors, but I really wish they sold only the lemonade! 

Well, it took two more visits from the handy man, but he swears the leak is fixed. So, for now they are still renovating the apartment downstairs but at least they don't have to come in here anymore, for now. 


  1. That's a great price for La Croix!

    I'm glad you'll have privacy in a safe space for a little while.

  2. Yay no more creepy handymen coming into your apartment! What a yummy day of eats! You had me cracking up over your comment about jerks 😆

  3. Goodbye creepy handyman. Don't let the door hit you in the butt on the way out.

    I laughed out loud about the dating jerks comment, that deserves a standing ovation!


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