Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Strange Lessons

I have a bit of a funny work story from last week that I would like to share. I think we can all have a nice takeaway from it. Okay, so I was at work last week, and two of my female coworkers were discussing hair, and other such issues, and they turned on me. One said she liked how I had my hair (it was in a ponytail) and they both agreed that I had "good hair", and went on and on singing the praises of my hair. I politely said thank you, eager to move onto another topic, because I knew what was coming next. I was asked about my hair care "regime". I work with women who are way into products, and natural is maybe what you do on your day off to give your hair a "rest".  And they speak of hot rollers and diffusers! Nothing against those things, I'm simply saying my "regime" is perhaps a bit more earthy. So, I went for it and said I use baking soda to wash, and I use an apple cider vinegar rinse. They both, after just going on about the health of my hair, started telling me how that will dry/ruin my hair. I said, well I've been doing this for almost a year, and my hair is shinier, thicker, and healthier than ever, like in  my whole life. As soon as I said that, they became completely disinterested, made one last know it all comment for the road, and I walked away.  You see, I didn't say what they wanted to hear. They want to use products, and stuff, and on and on. That's totally fine for them, it's just not for me. It's funny because both of them were seeking out new products for various hair issues, and I don't use products, and I have no current hair/scalp issues. So, my takeaway is this, no matter how strange someone else tries to make you feel, if you are having success, and reaping benefits, stand tall in your glowing, compassionate truth. People will try to tease you, or say your wrong for their own reasons, not caring what is best for you. It's nice to be able to have a laugh at this, and take a little lesson!
Another amazing lesson I learned about my newest obsession, CHAO SLICES! I am a hardcore addict, I'm afraid. These are the best thing, since vegan sliced cheese!(super bad, but I had to!!!) I heard some people saying they had issues with Chao under high heat, such as pizza. I even read some reviews that said it lost it's flavor. So, I have mostly snarfed my Chao cold, but I have now cooked with it twice, with success both times. The first time, I used the coconut herb flavor, I simply broke it into small pieces, and stirred it into pasta with a vegan Alfredo type sauce, and it melted and was super creamy. Last night I made a pizza, and I sliced slices of the creamy original to mimic shreds, and I put the cheese on after the sauce, then topped it with some lentils, olives, onion and garlic. The cheese melted under the lentils, and wow this pizza was satisfying. The Chao is much richer than daiya, so although it's been a million years since I've had dairy cheese, I felt this mimicked the richness better. Some of the small pieces around the edges that weren't covered didn't melt, so ithink the key is to cover the Chao to let it melt. So. try it on pizza, just put it under your other toppings.
I'm eager to try Follow Your Heart's new vegan cheese line, I've heard nothing but good things, and from what I understand it's right up there with Chao.  How great is it to be a vegan?

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