Tuesday, October 30, 2018

The No and The Yes!

Sunday I was running an errand and I happened to come across this vegan cashew queso. You don't see a lot of vegan queso in stores, and because it is made with potatoes, cashews and spices I decided to splurge and let myself try it. I was feeling really deprived that day and needed a treat. The queso wasn't cheap so it was a splurge in several ways.
I think this is a paleo company. They make tortilla chips that are grain free, made from cassava root. I've tried the chips, they have a vegan nacho cheese and also a vegan ranch. The chips are also super pricey.  I know this is a mild queso, but mild doesn't mean bland. This has almost no flavor, it's like they don't even use salt. And the texture is okay, but honestly I make smoother cheese sauces in my Ninja blender. This is expensive and in my opinion so not worth it. I definitely do not recommend this at all.  It's not so much horrible as it's just not good.
Now onto some tastier news. Bean pasta has been a thing for awhile. I always see the red lentil and black bean pasta at Trader Joe's, but they're more expensive than regular gluten free pasta, and I just never wanted to take that risk. Well, I came across this yellow lentil pasta at a decent price so I decided to try it and see what all the fuss was about. I cooked some frozen peas with the pasta and made a nooch-y cashew cheese sauce for some good old fashioned mac and yease and peas! I needed comfort food!

I'm not a huge fan of gluten free pasta to be honest. I've found a few brands that are tolerable, but I just don't eat a lot of pasta because I miss the tenderness of gluten filled pasta. Texture wise this is maybe more similar to a very hearty whole wheat pasta than a brown rice/quinoa pasta. It's definitely hearty. I didn't really detect a strong bean-y flavor. I've had gluten free pastas that have a very weird aftertaste and this thankfully didn't. It has only one ingredient which is yellow lentil flour. And it has 13 grams of protein per serving which is pretty amazing. I would definitely buy this again, and it's piqued my curiosity about other bean based pastas!


  1. That's my all time favorite Yogi Tea tag!! I think if everyone in the world just adhered to that one simple tenet, we'd live in paradise. Truly.

    1. I always think exactly the same thing when I get this tag!

  2. That is so unfortunate about the queso. It is always so disappointing to spend that much money on something and have it turn out to be a big disappointment. That's how I've felt about all of the Miyoko's products I've tried. I'm glad the pasta worked out though and I love that tea bag!!

    1. It is such a bummer! I've had hits and misses with Miyokos. Enough misses that I will only try something when it's on sale.

  3. I've been planning to try the bean pasta for a while now, not because of the gluten but because I just...want to. I had the sense it might have more of a "flavor" in and of itself, but maybe from what you're describing it isn't so?

    1. I've heard that some bean pastas do taste bean-y. I didn't think these had a bean flavor, and I kept my cheese sauce mild so I could see if beans overpowered my dish. I'm interested to try chickpea pasta if I can find it.

  4. I've been keen to try bean pastas for a while now, seems like a fun way to boost some protein.
    That is so upsetting about the queso. Mildness is no excuse for blandness!

    1. I feel the same way about the bean pastas. Since I already have to eat gluten free pasta I might as well get some extra protein!
      And mildness is no excuse for blandness! That is exactly what I thought! They have a spicy version as well but I won't be fooled twice!!

  5. I would contact the company and complain! Maybe you can get a coupon (if you liked those chips) for other products?

    Glad to hear those bean noodles were good. I never tried any that were a penne shape. Shape can really change the experience!

  6. The lentil pasta at trader joe’s is really good!! Very mild and you don’t even notice the lentil flavor. The black bean pasta has more of a specific flavor but would work well with mexican flavor ingredients added. If/when you’re next at an asian market look for mung bean pasta- check the ingredients but most are made from literally just mung beans and also hard to detect any bean flavor. Also very cheap at asian markets


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